This condition can be treated by raising the water level to 86 degrees or with over-the-counter medications. They are generally shy and will prefer to avoid other fish by hiding around the tank in caves and under decorations. It has a delicate elongated oval shape adorned with long pointed fins and tail. The males will be much smaller and pointy. FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquarium supplies orders $29 and up. Size. Bolivian rams primarily live near the bottom of tributaries, riverbanks, and lakebeds with sandy or muddy bottoms. I would like to put them in my 37 gallon community tank and have them sort of the center piece fish. Geophagus Red Head Tapajos Show Quality Fry. The female's vent is short and blunt, the male's is long and pointy. A Pair of German Blue Ram Cichlid (a Male & a Female) $50.00. Apistogramma Cacatuoides Triple Red Juvenile - 1/2" to 1" $15.00 to $50.00. Males have a distinct black spot in the middle of their body while females have two such spots. View a wide selection of Fish and other great items on KSL Classifieds. At FishSpark my top priority is to share actionable information for professional and hobbyist fishkeepers like myself. However, when guarding their young, they can be agressive as most cichlids are. Typically Bolivian rams can go up to 2 weeks without food, young Bolivian ram fish will survive for about 3-4 days with out food. With my Bolivians I have found the best way to sex them is there vents. I put them in an empty 10 gallon temporarily until I found out more about them. The male will switch between guarding the nest while the female lays eggs and fertilizing the eggs while she rests and keeps watch. The typical Bolivian Ram size is around 3 inches in length when fully grown.Males can get slightly larger and reach sizes of about 3.5 inches. Beyond its calm disposition and smaller size, the ram is a beautiful and unique fish that serve as a wonderful addition to any tank. Rams are a generally peaceful species of fish that rely on avoiding predators by hiding in order to survive. If you can balance the many different needs and quirks of the Bolivian ram they are a worthy addition to any tank. The female will lay up to 200 eggs on stones and occasionally, in depressions. The Bolivian Ram, also called the Butterfly Ram and the Red Ram, is a social fish that will form pairs and often remains "faithful" to each other. Bolivian rams are smaller than other cichlids. A female Bolivian ram can lay between 100-200 eggs by making multiple passes over their nest. The difference will become much more noticeable after the fish is a few months older. Make sure you have enough space for your rams as well as enough hiding spaces and food for them to use. Frozen foods such as bring shrimp, blood worms and white worms are also a good choice. Keeping Bolivian rams can be difficult for beginners but their distinctive markings and their funny swimming technique give this fish a lot for tank keepers to love. The most common is Ich, also known as white spot disease, a parasite that appears like small white dots across a fish’s body. Peat should be added to the water. One gift certificate per household. I have two. The male will switch between guarding the nest while the female lays eggs and fertilizing the eggs while she rests and keeps watch. You may have real fights among your Bolivian rams, however, if they have to compete with each other for resources. The eggs will hatch 60 hours after fertilization at which point the parents will take their fries and move them to another location in the tank. Bolivian rams are also known to swallow other small fish off riverbeds as well as fallen plants and insects off the surface of the water. While they are not nocturnal they enjoy dark conditions due to coming from an area where plants regularly block light to the water. One female will only spawn on slate, regardless of the presence of other potential sites. A living matter like live food and plants can carry bacteria or fungus that is dangerous to your fish. The Bolivian Ram is a very beautiful, small, and peaceful cichlid, also called the Butterfly Ram and the Red Ram, is a social fish that will form pairs There are no reviews for this product. At FishSpark my top priority is to share actionable information for professional and hobbyist fishkeepers like myself. Ram fries can also be eaten by other aquarium fish or sucked into filters. They are with angel fish and also the German blue ram. If you keep your tank at the correct conditions, have plenty of space, and keep places for the rams to hide they will begin to breed on their own. When its time for the reproduction process to begin, the abdomen of the female blushes with a pink or red coloration. If rams have to compete for space and resources they will violently attack each other. To help in warding off dangerous rams have spines in their fins which can catch in the mouths and throats of predators to prevent the ram from being swallowed. Bolivian rams have distinctive black spots on their sides as well as black stripes over their eyes. If you have more than one ram add 5-10 extra gallons per ram. Bolivian rams enjoy a dim environment with plenty of obstacles to swim through or hide under. Switch between live foods, frozen foods, flakes, and pellets often to keep their diet varied. The front and sides of their fins are soft so they can move their fins and swim. The Bolivian Ram Cichlid will reach sexual maturity a4-6 months after they are born. Fishes bring immense joy to me. Bolivian rams are the exception to this rule and are a generally peaceful species that get along well with other fish. They normally choose a flat rock or a depression in the substrate to lay their eggs. A Bolivian Ram is a dwarf cichlid that does not grow more than 8 cm in length. The Bolivian Ram is an egg layer that prefers soft to medium hardness, neutral pH and slightly raised water temperatures (77-82°F). Bolivian rams are omnivores and not picky about their food eating plant or meat-based foods easily. Good plants to include in a Bolivian ram tank are the Java Fern, Amazon Sword, Vallisneria, Anubias Nana, and Wisteria. Required fields are marked *. Sexing the Bolivian Ram Cichlid. Bolivian rams need a clean environment in order to thrive. Also, the breeding tube of the females is larger and rounder while the male's is more pointed and smaller. ! The tank has guppies, platies, 9 cories, but also 3 female bettas. 18 watching. Cichlids have a well-earned reputation as aggressive fish who will bully or even attack their tank mates. In the wild Bolivian rams are bottom feeders that eat by filtering the water they swim through for food. The fish areal is quite wide and it includes North and North-East Bolivia as well as Brazilian state Mato Grosso.The fish dwells in river tributaries, backwaters and lakes with sandy and muddy bottom; usually it prefers shallow and slow waters with lots of snags and luxuriant vegetation. $19.99 shipping. gouramis plecos rainbows rams sharks. Not valid on previous orders. This family is very popular in the aquarium trade and includes fish such as Angelfish, Oscars … Males can have longer dorsal fins. Young Bolivian rams bought from stores will typically be 1½ to 2 inches long. Bolivian rams will often choose a rocky area or a dip in the sediment to lay their eggs. I have had six rams in my 75g for over two years now and I can attest that they are wonderful community fish. Above: In the picture, a young mature premium quality Crown Ruby Bolivian Ram Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . Both the male and female share the rearing of the fry, and it has been reported that they will take them into their mouths to protect them like a mouth brooder. The Bolivian ram cichlid is a colorful and unique fish with the added bonus of a peaceful disposition and a manageable size. Keep your tank in a low light area or use floating plants to block out some of the surrounding light. As long as you keep the tank in the right conditions since rams have specific environmental needs. A female Bolivian ram can lay between 100-200 eggs by making multiple passes over their nest. Reproduction: Bolivian Rams are egg-layers. Bolivian rams are also susceptible to many different infections and parasites that can cause lethal problems for them. $10.00 ISO Bolivian Ram Female for sale in Sandy, UT on KSL Classifieds. Love these bottom-huggers even more than their finicky cousins. The rams have spawned three times and by day two the eggs have disappeared. The Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) is known under many common names: Butterfly Ram, Bolivian Butterfly Cichlid and Ruby Cichlid. Bolivian rams are fiercely protective parents and will attack any fish that gets too close to their eggs, even their own fries from a previous spawning. I believe that males also have longer trailers, although that may vary depending on the genes. When that time passes, they begin to assemble into exclusive mating pairs (for life). Males can grow a little larger, up to 3.5 inches (9 cm). This is to be expected and small school fights like this rarely result in any real damage to your fish. Non-living décor such as rocks and driftwood can also carry diseases and other dangers into your tank. Bolivian rams do not need a large tank with 30 gallons being enough for one fish. Sign up for Auto Delivery to Receive a $20 Gift Certificate. They will do this by taking the fries in their mouths and carrying them across the tank. The Bolivian ram grows a little larger than it's Venezuelan cousin, male reaching about 10 cm (4 in.) Bolivian rams have spiny fins with pointed tips designed to help ward off predators. Hi, I am Madison. I have three in my 90 gallon planted tank and they are doing great. A female will have a much larger "fat" vent. Males of the species tend to be larger measuring up to 6 inches long while females can be as small as 2 inches long. Sometimes their sides will also be the same color as their underbelly. For the best results pair Bolivian rams with fish that swim in higher levels of the tank and will not compete with your rams for hiding spaces. Your email address will not be published. Bolivian Rams are golden brown in color with reddish highlights on the dorsal and caudal fins and pearly turquoise-blue highlights on the pelvic and anal fins. This behavior helps them filter feed without churning up the sediment at the bottom of the tank too much. This exotic fish is native to the river basins of Bolivia and Brazil but can now be found in tanks and aquariums worldwide. Consistent with the Venezuelan ram, these fish are biparental, open substrate spawners, quite opposite from the polygynous, cave .spawning Apistogramma. The female's belly slopes up from the breeding tube to the anal fin. Peat should be added to the water. Bolivian rams stay relatively small in captivity, and grow to a maximum of 3 inches (8 cm) with the males growing slightly larger than the females. She said it was a blue ram, but now that I've had him home and have had a chance to look at him closely, he kind of looks like a cross between a bolivian ram and a blue ram. She is peaceful and has an interesting bright color and body shape. Their bellies are primarily in yellow color that extends almost to their frontal portion. They will eat almost anything they can filter out of the water including plants, nuts, seeds, and small organisms like worms. The Bolivian ram, also known as the Bolivian butterfly, Bolivian ram cichlid, and ruby crown cichlid is native to the waters of Bolivia and Brazil. You might be picturing one in…, Your email address will not be published. Hi, I am Madison. They are largely peaceful and shy but can be ferocious when competing for space or defending their eggs. If you enjoy exotic fish with unique personalities the Bolivian ram is an excellent choice. It is a popular aquarium fish, traded under the common names Bolivian butterfly, Bolivian ram, Bolivian ram cichlid, … While most rams will only lay around 100 eggs at a time and not all of those eggs will hatch this can still lead to overcrowding and competition among fries. Expect your fish to grow to about 3 inches in length (7.6 cm). All rights reserved. I LOVE this fish! If you give your Bolivian ram live food make sure it is free of any parasites and diseases that might infect your fish. $9.99. Now, the female BR is super pissed off!! My Bolivians always spawn late in the evening, without exception. Crenicara altispinosa Haseman, 1911; Microgeophagus altispinosus (Haseman, 1911); Papiliochromis altispinosus(Haseman, 1911) Dwarf Bolivian Rams are tranquil, omnivores that are ideal for any community tank. Aside from the size differences, male M. altispinosa are slimmer and less stocky than females, and also have extensions on the upper and Inner rays of the caudal fin. Make sure you have enough tank space, hiding places, and food to satisfy all of your fish while breeding. If your fish are well fed but are not getting the nutrients they need this can also lead to health issues. I bought 2 Bolivian Rams yesterday. A well cared for Bolivian ram will live for around four years, though there are instances of them living slightly longer. I've had mine for almost 2 years in a 30 gallon tank with assorted barbs and tetras, a pleco, bottom feeders, a dojo loach, and a 6" goldfish. I got 2 of these for my 75 gallon planted community tank. Bolivian rams also need a good base of substrates which are objects used to fill the bottom of fish tanks. Gift certificate will be emailed to qualifying customers after Auto Delivery order has been shipped and will expire 30 days from date of issue. Bolivian rams are a hardy species of cichlid but they are best kept in waters with a рН 6.0-7.5 and a hardness of 5 – 15 dGH. They are so cute and very playful. Bolivian rams are not completely harmless, however, and you should be careful when picking tank mates for them. Free shipping. They will surface for food but consider foods that sink when feeding your Bolivian ram. Pellets are a good choice when feeding Bolivian rams because they will sink to the bottom of the tank where they feed. The tank should have several dense plant groups and plenty of open swimming space. Adult males tend to grow larger and are slimmer than females, possess a slightly more pointed dorsal fin and have extended filaments on their tail fin as well as being more intensely-coloured than the females. I am the editor here at FishSpark,com. There are several variations of this Cichlid for sale in this online store. Small fish like neon tetras may be mistaken for food or bullied by the larger Bolivian ram. Being a peaceful fish, the Bolivian Ram makes a wonderful addition to the community tank, is compatible with other peaceful fish. Throughout the entire breeding process, you need to be careful about the ram’s environment as well as other fish. 2 Bolivian rams m:f ratio 3 Bolivian rams m:F ratio 4 Bolivian rams m:f ratio 5 Bolivian rams m:f ratio ... that is, looking at the genital papilla during spawning. The body of a Bolivian Ram ranges from dull brown to greyish blue. It is important to carefully manage the environment and diet of your Bolivian Rams so that they stay healthy. Occasionally Bolivian rams will eat their first batch of eggs rather than let them hatch but by the second or third spawning, they will not eat their eggs. The Bolivian Ram is an egg layer that prefers soft to medium hardness, neutral pH and slightly raised water temperatures (77-82°F). The sheer number of fries created in one spawning can also be a problem. Despite its modest size, Bolivian Rams are fish with high intelligence. Is this possible? Maximum Size: In aquariums, Rams can grow to be about 2.5" long. The Bolivian Ram also requires a few caves in which to hide in and stones to spawn on. There are thousands of different species of fish kept in aquariums and tanks across the…, Any healthy fish tank often has a little bit of algae in it – a…, Some of the most beautiful aquariums are those that contain fish from the sea. They hang out near the bottom but are out in the open all the time. In the wild Bolivian rams are bottom feeders and so will spend most of their time at the bottom of any tank or aquarium. Why is my female Bolivian ram being so aggressive towards a male Bolivian ram that I just bought? A black 'spot' is in the center of the body and a black line runs from the top of the eye to the bottom of the head. It's so cute, too! They will both swim over the same area, and then the male will start to guard. On the other hand, female specimens usually don’t reach 3 inches at all. The male Bolivian Ram ate all the fry. *Gift Certificate promotion applies to New Auto Delivery sign up subscribers. After about a week, my 2 are coloring up nicely. It…, Finding space for a fish tank can be difficult. It is relatively straightforward to differentiate male from female Bolivian Ram Cichlids. They are not a very active species and are known for a quirky method of swimming where they will only swim a few strokes before stopping. I have a 20 gallon long tank One Bush head Pleco One blue Gourami (3spot) One rainbow shark. Fishes bring immense joy to me. They can even be housed with Apistogramma and Angels. They will eat just about anything while having massive appetites and can handle sharp shifts in temperature but need proper shade and space. Bolivian rams are a small species of aquarium fish with oval-shaped bodies that measure on average around 3½ inches long. However, I suspect the three clown loaches in the same tank are eating their eggs. They are also bottom feeders and will hover around the bottom of any tank when feeding. T here were several of these wild Crown Ruby Bolivian Rams, living in a huge, say about 200-gallon, planted aquarium with deionized water, with frequent 10% to 15% partial water changes, temperature about 78-degrees F., and several To protect against infections and parasites make sure that you check and disinfect everything that you put in your tank. or Best Offer. 5 years ago. Overfeeding or underfeeding a fish can result in numerous health problems. In the wild Bolivian ram inhabits Amazon river headstream and Guaporé and Mamoré river basins. Origin: Rams are Cichlids whose ancestors lived in Colombia and Venezuela in the northern part of South America, but now they live in aquariums all over the world. I can watch them for hours, whether in an aquarium, in a lake, river or sea. It does very well and is easy to care for. $20.00 shipping. This is a video that tells the sure fire way to tell if you have a male or female bolivian ram. The species is part of the family Cichlidae and subfamily Geophaginae. Freeze-dried bloodworms and tubifex, flake food, and both frozen and live brine shrimp and worms will make excellent food for these fish. Sometimes black spots show up on other parts of their bodies such as their fins. Hundreds of articles to help you with your aquarium. Comments: These are fabulous fish with vibrant colors. The males have quite a colorful body, while the female is more drab. Breeding When the males are ready to breed they will spread their fins and will chase the female fish and also chase off other males. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The water in your tank should also be moving slowly so consider a slow wave or bubble maker for your tank. Very active and hardy. Their spines are often orange or white while their fins are translucent. Needless to say the rams will soon have a tank of their own. I have seen a bit of variation among females though, so I use that as a secondary characteristic for sexing. Stocking your tank with a colony ensures a happier life for these fish, especially when breeding them. I love these fish. Males can be identified by their larger size and brighter colors while females are smaller and duller. They also breed like crazy. Lifespan. Also make sure to add stones, driftwood, artificial caves, and rocky shelters for your rams to hide in. The water in your Bolivian ram tank should be filtered regularly with weekly water renewals replaced between 10-15% of the tank water. Some variants even sport a crescent vertical black line between their eyes. I just inherited a fish from a friend who needs to tear down some of her tanks. The Bolivian ram can range in color from brown to bright blue but their undersides are always yellow or white. Bolivian rams are a social species and live best in schools of 4-8 individuals. *FREE SHIPPING on qualifying aquatic life orders $149 and up. Much hardier. The female will lay some eggs, the male will come and fertilize them, and then go back to guarding them. While in schools like these rams may break into small conflicts with each other. Bolivian Rams are Cichlids and unlike their closely related cousins (such as the Green Terror Cichlid) they are peaceful. The Bolivian Ram is an omnivore, and will consume a wide variety of foods. Female Bolivian rams are slightly smaller than the males. It is important to keep the diet of your Bolivian ram varied so it will get all the nutrition it needs and stay healthy. They are some of my favorites! Bolivian Rams are golden brown in color with reddish highlights on the dorsal and caudal fins and pearly turquoise-blue highlights on the pelvic and anal fins. Excludes Frozen Foods. Bolivian rams are bottom feeders who operate by filtering food from the water and sediment around them while swimming. They can recognize their master, form strong pairs, and have a pronounced parental instinct. The female will lay up to 200 eggs on stones and occasionally, in depressions. In the wild, if a Bolivian ram is swallowed by a larger fish the spines on its fins will dig into the predator’s mouth and throat keeping it from swallowing the ram. The Bolivian Ram requires a tank of 30 gallons minimum. After 7 days the fries will be able to free swim on their own but the parents will still move them around in their mouths from time to time. They have a unique color scheme and their schools can be quite eye-catching if made up of many individuals with many different shades. They live in the Rio Madeira, Mamoré, and Guaporé river basins which pass through northern Bolivia and parts of Brazil. Watch out for their spines when trying to handle a Bolivian ram. Alternatively, you can chop up earthworms and feed those to your fish. They are a tropical freshwater fish so keep the water between 74 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit and do not use saltwater. On the other hand, the ram is not large or aggressive enough to protect itself from more dangerous fish like other cichlids. Bichir – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), Bolivian Ram – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts), 21 Pond Plants: For Everyone (Ultimate List), Pearl Gourami – A Complete Guide (Care, Diet, Facts). They belong to the Cichlidae family which is they largest group of freshwater fish. The sediment at the very end there is a few caves in which to in... Few months older and rounder while the female BR is super pissed off! spawning can carry. Will both swim over the same color as their underbelly despite its modest size, Bolivian rams have black... About anything while having massive appetites and can handle sharp shifts in temperature but need proper shade and.... 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