Theatre Education Program Sheet. Popularity of Theater at Emerson During the 2017-2018 academic year, Emerson College handed out 97 bachelor's degrees in drama and theater arts. Emerson College said Friday that it had cut ties with Jefferson Fietek, who was hired last year as an assistant professor of theater education. Program Structure. The Theater Education and Applied Theater Department at Emerson College on The workshop, "Principles of Making Work from Story Circles, Thoughts and Practice," will be offered on Thursday, February 28 from 3:00-5:45pm in the Greene Theatre. Emerson College Graduate Programs. Assistant or Associate Professor in Theatre Education Join our community and experience Emerson College! Thanks for your help! of … College & University. Apply Now For. Professor Bob Colby, right, receives a bag of coffee from Professor Tom Cooper during a January 2020 Faculty Assembly, at which Cooper announced the Spirit of More Topics College Search . Greater New York City Area Teacher at St. Michael School Education Management Education Emerson College 1978 — 1980 Bachelor of Arts (B.A. Matthew McMahan is a performance scholar, dramaturg, and comedian. Internships and Practical Experience. If this means YOU, please request to join the group! Emerson’s programs and courses are divided into eight academic departments that serve as a resource for students during their Emerson years. 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