Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness - Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. Focus on growing in your faith and on the good things available to you in Jesus – He has grace, strength, and a destiny ahead for you. Again, thank you for the suggestions, kind regards, Kelvin. Luke 1:67 Then his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied: Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit … (John 14:16), The revealer of Father’s purpose and everything God has made available to us (John 16:14-15), The Anointing who is within and upon us (1 John 2:27, Acts 10:38, Luke 4:18), As God’s intimate Presence with us (John 15:15-18). She was leading me on a trail made out of rocks. Hello Kelvin, thank you for leaving the question. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. One day at church, we were looking at a picture of angels and Jesus and I saw an angel that kind of looked like the man. Pray in tongues. Here are 7 things that I have found helpful: God’s anointing, gifts and power are not sourced in an impersonal force or ability. The first detail about this encounter—that the Holy Spirit would come upon Mary—does not seem very informative. Continue Your Journey with the Holy Spirit. Hi Helen, Thank you for responding to my question on building a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Gift #2 The Harbinger II. At a youth camp when I was twelve years old, I was baptised in the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. I firmly, truly believe it was the Holy Spirit Baptism. I am so incredibilly grateful for your words on regret. (C)2 After fasting forty days and forty nights,(D)he was hungry.3 The tempter(E)came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God,(F)tell these stones to become bread.” tienen tantos compromisos nacionales como internacionales de conferencias aqui y alla,que han dejado al Patron proveedor de sus ministerios…le dare un ejemplo,profeta reconocido mundialmnente,dijo una profecia:ISRAEL ATACARA IRAN ESTE AÑO,y dijo el año como el mes y dias,pero NADA SUCEDIO,y dijo otras profecias mas que,creo yo han dejado mucho que desear de su Ministerio…la pregunta que me hago,la voz de quien escucho,su espiritu humano,su alma,o la voz de un demonio…NO LO SE,lo que si see ahora es que trajo confusion a muchos creyentes,quiza debiera en este caso y en otros considerarse las palabras de ezequiel 3,y Jeremias ,,,hablaron palabras de sus propios corazones…Oro por su Ministerio,saludos! When Jesus was nearing His trial and crucifixion, He promised his apostles that He would ask God to send them His Holy Spirit. dates and more information. Special times spent in God’s Presence are vital to those of us who want to grow in prophetic ministry. I do all that and more. In Scripture, we have a perfect and direct avenue to powerful and transformational encounters with God. Read more. I had to close my eyes and bow my head. (Jude 1:20, 1 Cor 14:2, Rom 8:26), [1] By way of an example, if you have the ‘YouVersion’ Bible App, the plan ‘Forgotten God’ with Francis Chan contains a simple Bible study on the Holy Spirit to get you started. I was worshipping Jesus on my knees, praying in the Holy Spirit, declaring His faithfulness to His Word, and inviting Him to come in His fullness.) Subscription Special: Subscribe to Charisma for two years for Only $29.97 and get two free gifts. So how you can you encounter the Holy Spirit in a deeper way and experience a more profound outpouring of His gifts in your own life? Deep worship, abandonment and surrender—a willingness to yield to His every movement as you listen for the sound of His heart—ushers you into the Holy Spirit’s presence in a magnificent way. These are the times when it can be helpful to have others around us who are also praying and hearing from God to bring wisdom and confirmation. Worship the Lord in Spirit and in truth. It's a NEW YEAR! The language is ordinary enough in English. I feel a pit in my stomach, hiding everything good away. [4] See Relational Pathways to Intimacy with Father, with Jesus and with Holy Spirit, [5] Read more here: The Power of Prophetic Accountability, Enliven Ministries: in the David McCracken Ministries family. 4. But as I got older, she realized I wasn’t lying. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. In the Bible, every person was unique in the way they journeyed and related with God (for example, look at Jesus and His disciples). (I live in Melbourne, Australia). [1]. 2. Sign up to receive Enliven Blog posts via e-mail and get a FREE copy of my e-book. You may recall that Paul would have preached in Lydia’s home region, but the Holy Spirit forbade him at that time (16:6). The Holy Spirit will communicate with you ‘on the go’. Philip then explained the story of Jesus and God's plan of salvation. I share this because we have entered into a new season of God's power and as we walk through these last days we must encounter the power of His fullness. David's desire is that people would learn how to experience God as the most beautiful reality there is. In those moments of prayer, you unite with the Holy Spirit to establish Father’s purposes for your life and those who are on His heart. Yes I have been inspired by the example of Rees Howells and George Muller and others. There appeared to them tongues as of fire, being distributed and resting on each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to speak" (Acts 2:1-4). Over the ensuing years God has greatly blessed me, and I have learnt a lot. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever.’ Scripture offers so much more to be discovered than merely a theology of the Holy Spirit—and still more to be experienced! Done! Discover how you Uniquely Connect with the Holy Spirit (and put it into Practice) Every relationship … In our leadership culture today, we tend to deny emotions we perceive as ‘weak’, and strive to always act in strong, faith-filled way. For then you will make your way successful, and you will be wise" (Josh. You should receieve a confirmation email shortly. The Holy Spirit would remain with them all after Jesus died, was resurrected and returned to the Father. Some of the ways we can intimately relate to the Holy Spirit include: In an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, there is nothing to hide and no need to perform. Declare the Word of God over ourselves as we pray. [5]. God bless you with all you need in abundance. Pray and ask for Greater Intimacy with the Holy Spirit, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), Enliven Blog - Prophetic Teaching by Helen Calder,, Relational Pathways to Intimacy with Father, with Jesus and with Holy Spirit,,,,, As Helper and Comforter—the One who comes alongside us. And I try to help myself with this. Sometimes, I hear a voice in my head. Bible instructs us not to grieve the Holy Spirit. Trade dry theory for a dynamic relationship as you encounter the third Person of the Trinity in the pages of every book of the Bible. Your Father created you the way you are and loves and relates to you in your individuality. He desires to be a part of your life in the busy times, as well as in the quiet spaces and in the night hours. 12:31). The Spirit of God gives new birth and spiritual life to those who trust in Jesus (John 3:8). Then, I figured out, it was more spiritual then a disorder. And, I think, that they were spirits that I remember and are trying to help me. I do agree with you in prayer for the job, may His favour open a new place of employment and make a way for you to live in a peaceful place! [3] Read 10 Ways to Hear God’s Voice for some of the ways the Holy Spirit speaks. When I tried to tell my mom, she had no idea what I was talking about. Meanwhile, the Spirit told Philip to run to him. Bible Verses about the Holy Spirit - Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy… But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in… And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you… Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the… Sometimes I would scream, and i felt like someone was crushing me, like millions of spiders crawling over my body. A real job would be a breakthrough and I could move out then, because my nasty landlord will certainly not change his character (last night he first argued with his wife and then later turned on the music at 3:10 in the morning). 1. Here is an article on different ways the Holy Spirit communicates that you may find helpful: He wants … Read more. Positive. Having said that, try as I might, I have not succeeded in building a relationship with The Holy Spirit that has been meaningful and developing. However, it will be different for you. I had my first encounter back in April of 2010... And it is very, very similar. The Holy Spirit does everything. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. The presence of weakness does not diminish the quality of your faith—it enhances it and is a powerful witness to others. My recent article on weighing up prophecy is also very relevant to the example you mention. What you have written pretty much follows what I have learnt over the years in Bible College and in my own study of Scripture. Intimacy with the Holy Spirit is not about having a relationship in isolation. I know that God has seen my frustration and as a consequence given me a circle of senior pastor friends who do have intimate relationships with the Holy Spirit, and who in turn speak into my life. 3 people found this helpful. The Holy Spirit Encounter Bible was a breath of fresh air. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! How can we grow in intimacy with the Holy Spirit? Our relationship with Holy Spirit should be natural and life giving, just as our relationship with Father and Jesus is. I love the details that is in the the encounter Bible, and I received the item on time and without tear is still enjoying the Bible. View Offer. I remember things that I thought was real. The first time it came from a distance right to me. They help clarify what God is doing in my life and provide a means of accountability and growth. Privacy Guarantee: Enliven Ministries will never share your e-mail address with anyone else. "For he who speaks in an unknown tongue does not speak to men, but to God. About suicide. For no one understands him, although in the spirit, he speaks mysteries" (1 Cor. Know the Holy Spirit in a greater depth than ever before. 5. It sounds to me as though your desire is to hear / receive the communication from the Holy Spirit, and that is the particular area you would like to grow in? You will also discover that there are one or more ways that you mostly hear from the Holy Spirit. Even though I didn’t know their names, and I forgot their faces, I loved them and felt so safe even though my mother and sister weren’t there. Know the Holy Spirit in a greater depth than ever before. Meditate on it day and night so that you may act carefully according to all that is written in it. Do you connect with Him in an intellectual way, or in the context of worship and music? I have my testimony on this site if you are interested in reading about it. He has a voice and communicates in many different ways. As Philip explained the meaning of the Scriptures, the man believed that Jesus was the promised Messiah spoken of in the book of Isaiah. But they did. I have tried two lines of approach, the first, trying to develop a relationship through The Rhema Word, and the second, waiting to hear the Still Small Voice. Hi Voke,this is a really good question, especially if what we are concerned about is causing us emotion, or if it is a matter of great importance. Yours Conny. Being grounded in Scripture ensures that we have a strong foundation for developing an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Comment Report abuse. Kind regards, Kelvin. And I knew that my anxiety was different, because people didn’t freak out like I did. Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! "When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. Helpful. I am now 68 years old. I wrote you about that and now that I have been divorced for 6 months I blame myself for having ended up in this financially and otherwise difficult situation. The Holy Spirit is the present-day advocate of Jesus Christ in our hearts. I also remember a man. That has been my heart’s desire particularly over this last twenty years. Begin your prayers by saying, “Come, Holy Spirit.” Ask for help in difficult situations, or just start by saying this simple prayer every day: He longs for us to express our grief or distress to Him and receive His comfort. Throughout Scripture we learn of how God spoke to people in many different times—not only when they were waiting, but also when they were travelling and working. If possible please pray for me again, because I know whenever you praid something happened here and I got through with my English course and some other things turned out fine. Me, being alone with a man, a woman, and a girl. Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness(A) 4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a](B)by the devil. 5 Steps to Have an Encounter With the Spirit. The Holy Spirit Prayer The Bible. Post navigation bible verses about hearing the holy spirit. She asked me to stay on the stones and not stray onto outside of the trail. Helen, I would like to be used by The Holy Spirit in this gifting at a level similar to Rees Howells, who along with other members of the Bible College of Wales, fought the Second World War on their knees in prayer with incredible results! I value walking and praying outdoors. Pray to the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will come upon us and we will receive power, tongues were not mentioned in Acts 1:8. This is exactly what is causing a lot of pain apart from my situation which has not yet much changed. God’s best is within reach for you. "This Book of the Law must not depart from your mouth. Pay Attention to, and Cultivate an Awareness of the Holy Spirit, Relate to the Holy Spirit in a Natural Way, 6. The eunuch was seeking to know God, and Philip was happy to share the truth. Read, study and live His Word. He is our constant Companion. The New Testament demonstrates a life with God that is lived in the context of community, with accountability. 9 . I love the details that is in the the encounter Bible, and I received the item on time and without tear is still enjoying the Bible. Gift #1 The Harbinger. Cultivating an awareness of God’s Presence does not mean that we will always feel Him physically. [2]. With that in mind, are there some practical ways that we can develop intimacy with the Holy Spirit—whilst going about our daily life, family, business and ministry?, How to hear the Holyspirit on a particular issue bothering you. I still need an employment because I only work on a small freelance job as lecturer for business English students and I hope there will be enough participants in October so that I can go on. The Holy Spirit Fellowships with Us. Lying to the Holy Spirit is equated with lying to God (Acts 5:3–4, 9). Study what the Bible says about Intimacy with the Holy Spirit, 2. (Luke 11:9-13), Finally, remember that ‘praying in the Spirit’ is one of the most intimate encounters you can have with the Holy Spirit. 1:8). In two instances it refers to the coming of the Holy Spirit—here and in Acts 1. Follow God on the most fulfilling journey of your life with Encounter the Holy Spirit! But from the fact that it resulted in the Incarnation of God, we can infer that this must have been an extraordinary encounter. Last night, I had a mighty encounter with Him. 258. - Henry Blackaby. Now after reading your words I discovered my mistake and how all this regret viscious circle functions and I feel better, because I now Jesus is there and I could act differently in the past because I simply could not know that my husband was a narcissist just using me to have a good time at my expense. The sudden coming of the Spirit. "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth" (John 4:24). Operating in a spiritual gift is also a powerful opportunity to seek and lean in closer to an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. You can find it here:, [2] See the article How to Discover Your Spiritual Pathway for some helpful ideas. As you walk through this series, let the Scriptures inspire and challenge your faith, so that the Holy Spirit can take you to a new level of intimacy with Jesus. It is simple; it is about developing an intimate love relationship with His Spirit and Presence with us. The Holy Spirit is the imperishable seed in 1 Peter 1:23, by which we were born again. We would talk, and then he would leave. The series contains short, encouraging devotionals, prayers, and Scripture passages that will help you encounter God in mighty ways--on HIS supernatural territory! The answer to ‘am I a vessel?’ is always yes! Never miss a big news story again. But Father’s arms are waiting. The true spirit of prayer is no other than God's own Spirit dwelling in the hearts of the saints. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, as only God could (John 16:8–11). We have all heard of individuals who have taken to a cave, room or wilderness, spent weeks with God and emerged on fire, powered up and talking about intimacy with the Holy Spirit. Powerful Truth Encounter In order to understand what an appropriate view of power encounter in mission work would look like, Hesselgrave turns to look at what Scripture reveals as the work of the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 4:30) One of the main ways the Holy Spirit is grieved is when we are disobedient to His word and His leading. Dear Helen, I am writing my comment here, though I wanted to respond to the current post on regret, but whatever I do the comment button there does not appear. Both books are by New York Times Best-Selling author Jonathan Cahn. The Holy Spirit actually desires relationship with us! I also have anxiety. And Peter’s point there was, when the imperishable Spirit enters us, he brings this conviction: “‘All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. Scripture offers so much more to be discovered than merely a theology of the Holy Spirit… and still more to be experienced! This is not always comfortable. Then he wanted to go into Bithynia, but again the Spirit said no. Then he wanted to go into Bithynia, but again the Spirit said no. Today, take time to pray and ask God to stir up the desire for a greater level of encounter and intimacy with Him. You may recall that Paul would have preached in Lydia’s home region, but the Holy Spirit forbade him at that time (16:6). Jesus wanted the Holy Spirit also to be sent to anyone else who believes in Him, in Jesus. I wondered how it was that she could skip and dance on the rocks with out falling when I was having such a hard time. Get ready for a NEW YOU! Our relationship with God will benefit from learning how we personally relate best to Him. Uhm… well, I am twelve, and I have had encounters with demonic spirits. “‘These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. Encounters are Spirit-filled three-day conferences for men, women, teen boys, and teen girls. I can identify with you too with desires that I’ve had many years that are yet to be fulfilled. And, as I said, I have had bad experiences with evil spirits. John 14:25-26. A helpful word-play on ‘intimacy’ is ‘in-to-me-see.’ You can be yourself, with both your strengths and your weaknesses. 3. Helen, I will deeply respect and prayerfully consider any insights and suggestions that you may offer. [3]. Comment Report abuse. Satan has made me think what I thought were my own thoughts. I’m glad to hear you have a received a vision from God that you can live regret-free. Encounters are Spirit-filled three-day conferences for men, women, teen boys, and teen girls. I sob and cry, scream and kick, I feel like I am going to die. 4:12). 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