caused reproach towards the land of Zebulun, and towards the land (1) The district in which these two tribes dwelt constituted the border-land toward the pagan nations. By Pul; or rather, 2. When at the first - In the former time; on a former occasion. All rights reserved. .—It is obvious, even in the English version, that the chapters are wrongly divided, and that what follows forms part of the same prophetic utterance as Isaiah 8. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Some understand the words to be an aggravation of the darkness or misery threatened Isaiah 8:22, rendering the words thus, for the dimness shall not be, &c. And so the sense is, This shall not be so slight an affliction as that which befell them by Pul, 2 Kings 15:19, nor as that which succeeded it by Tiglathpileser, who, at the desire of Ahaz, did about this time make another invasion into the land of Israel, 2 Kings 15:29, and was a heavier stroke than the former; but this shall be far heavier than either of them. F7; either that is besieged in Ver. The same region which was so darkened once, shall be among the first to receive Messiah's light (Mt 4:13, 15, 16). (f) "quia non defatigatio ei angustanti eos." In her vexation - The word 'her' refers to the whole land of Palestine, to the afflictions that came upon the whole region. but a light affliction in comparison of what followed: and The words may be rendered, "for there shall be no weariness to him that straitens" or "afflicts" them F6; so Jarchi, who interprets it of the king of Assyria; but it is better to understand it of Titus Vespasian, who would not be weary of, but indefatigable in carrying on the siege of Jerusalem, and in distressing the Jews in all … Isaiah 9:6 is a prophecy about a future child who would bear the government on his shoulders and be called by titles that could only rightfully be attributed to God: “ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. … He lightly afflicted - The word used here, קלל qâlal, means properly, to be, or make light, or small; and in Hiphil, the form which occurs here, it often means to "esteem lightly, to despise, to hold in contempt;" 2 Samuel 19:43; Ezekiel 22:7. to be, and was, greater than ever was known, ( Matthew 4:25): in Galilee of the nations; design the sea of Tiberias or Galilee, as Jarchi rightly a part of the land of Israel so called, known by the name of Zebulun and the land Galilee of the nations, or Galilee of the Gentiles, to wit, the Upper Galilee, so called because it bordered upon the Gentiles. The "for" refers, not to the words immediately preceding, but to the consolations in Isa 8:9, 10, 17, 18. By Tiglath-pileser, who at this time invaded and subdued these parts, as it is expressed, 2 Kings 15:29; the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali: these parts are particularly mentioned, because this storm fell most heavily upon them; but under them the other parts of the land are understood by a common figure called synecdoche. Salem Media Group. In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but … THE CONTEXT. It means, in Hiphil, the form which is used here, "to make heavy, or grievous;" 1 Kings 12:10; Isaiah 47:6; "to oppress," Nehemiah 5:15; and it also means to "cause to be honored, or distinguished, to favor. 15:20 ) or rather by Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, in the Did more grievously afflict her; either, 1. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan--" Isaiah 9:1, ESV: "But there will be no gloom for her who was in anguish. F8. alleviation of it, and as affording some comfort in a view of it, Isaiah 9:1-2 New International Version (NIV) 9 [ a]Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. Each promise delivers hope; each name reveals the glorious way the Lord rules His kingdom through King Jesus. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,(B)but in the future he will honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan— 2 The people walking in darkness(C) have seen a great light;(D) It would seem that this text found its way into this position at a later time, perhaps when the hymn was composed. See Zechariah 2:10-11; Luke 2:10. It would be mitigated. of the land of Israel which lay next it; but it seems rather to which was an eminent city of Galilee;) so in the latter or last time (to wit, in the days of the Messiah, or of the gospel, which are frequently so called in the Scriptures both of the Old and New Testament) he made it (i.e. But "the sea" (hayyâm) cannot possibly be understood as referring to the Mediterranean, as Meier and Hofmann suppose, for "the way of the sea" (derek hayyâm) would in that case have been inhabited by the … it; though many interpreters think they are to be understood by Galilee of the nations - This was sometimes called upper Galilee. the uttermost, and particularly in the places following: by connection with the following words, these may be rendered thus; we may reply. Adjacent to this region were the countries of Phenicia, Tyre, and Sidon; and the people would naturally mingle much with them in commerce. Isa 9:1-7. 10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz: 11 “Ask a sign of the Lord your6 God; let it … better to understand it of Titus Vespasian, who would not be It was appropriate, too, that He who was both "the Light to lighten the Gentiles, and the Glory of His people Israel," should minister chiefly on the border land of Israel, near the Gentiles.Joy in the midst of affliction, Isaiah 9:1-5. that in those very parts where there should be so much distress But "the sea" (hayyâm) cannot possibly be understood as referring to the Mediterranean, as Meier and Hofmann suppose, for "the way of the sea" (derek hayyâm) would in that case have been inhabited by the Philistines and Phoenicians; whereas the prophet's intention was evidently to mention such Israelitish provinces as had suffered the greatest affliction and degradation. nation--primarily, the rapid increase of Israelites after the return from Babylon; more … Some interpreters understand all this, as before observed, as an alleviation of those times of trouble, as if it would be less than in former times; but it is certain that it was to be, and was, greater than ever was known, Matthew 24:21 it is true, indeed, it may be considered as an alleviation of it, and as affording some comfort in a view of it, that in those very parts where there should be so much distress and misery, the Messiah, previous to it, would appear, and honour it with his presence, who is afterwards spoken of, and so, in connection with the following words, these may be rendered thus; as by De Dieu, "but obscurity shall not be brought to it" (the land) "to which distress is brought; as at the first time he caused reproach towards the land of Zebulun, and towards the land of Naphtali, so in the last" (time) "he will give glory by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, on the border of the nations": and if it be asked what that glory should be, the answer is, "the people that walked in darkness", &c. and so the sense may be, that whereas the inhabitants of Zebulun and Naphtali, and all Galilee, were lightly esteemed of, being mean and illiterate, not famous for any arts or sciences, and having no prophet among them, should, in the days of the Messiah, be highly honoured, and made glorious by his presence, ministry, and miracles among them (h). our version: when at first he lightly afflicted the land of These first few verses of Isaiah 9 contrast sharply the previous states of subjection with God’s current, mighty acts of deliverance. The way of the sea . Beyond Jordan; or, on this side Jordan; for this preposition is used both ways, and this land might be said to be either beyond or on this side Jordan, in divers respects. land) "to which distress is brought; as at the first time he The word "way" here, דרך derek, means toward, or in the vicinity of. 776).). As the Prince of Peace, he reconciles us to God; he is the Giver of peace in the heart and conscience; and when his kingdom is fully established, men shall learn war no more. Four titles underscore the character of this God-man who is a King, and they build upon one another. In the former time he brought shame on the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali; but in the latter he bringeth honour on the way by the sea, beyond Jordan, the circuit of the Gentiles. The prophet had seen in the closing verses of Isaiah 8 the extreme point of misery. The extensive dark region lying in the vicinity of that sea, Both those tribes bordered on the sea of Tiberias, or had that as a part of their boundary. Quidam in Gataker; so Jarchi. But following this judgment, which will bring gloom and anguish to the land, there will be glory. Hence arose the contempt for it on the part of the southern Jews of purer blood (Joh 1:46; 7:52). suggested, that the tribulation and distress that should come It was in despised Galilee that He first and most publicly exercised His ministry; from it were most of His apostles. If it be asked here, in what way this land had been made contemptible, or why it was regarded as an object of contempt? Isaiah 9:1 Nevertheless the dimness [shall] not [be] such as [was] in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict [her by] the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations. 2 The people who walk in darkness will see a great light; Those who live in a dark land, The light will shine on them. observed, as an alleviation of those times of trouble, as if it Nevertheless, the dimness [shall] not [be] such as [was] in. In the former time he brought shame on the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali; but in the latter he bringeth honour on the way by the sea, beyond Jordan, the circuit of the Gentiles. weary of, but indefatigable in carrying on the siege of Jerusalem, and in distressing the Jews in all parts: or thus, 3 Thou shalt multiply the … This shows the English words related to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions. Isaiah 9:1, NIV: "Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. . North of Naphtali, inhabited by a mixed race of Jews and Gentiles of the bordering Phœnician race (Jud 1:30; 1Ki 9:11). I. See ( Matthew The Sign of Immanuel. “It was told the house of David, saying, ‘Syria is allied with Ephraim.’ it with his presence, who is afterwards spoken of, and so, in would be less than in former times; but it is certain that it was nations, and therefore so called; now these places suffered much 15:29 ) which at the time of this prophecy was past, and was At the first; in the first invasion which the king of Assyria made upon Israel. This tribe was located between the sea of Tiberias, or the lake Gennesareth, and the Mediterranean. and misery, the Messiah, previous to it, would appear, and honour of these; there should be no fleeing, no escape, no, not of any, But this last clause, and the two foregoing clauses, are otherwise rendered and interpreted by divers learned men, as a prophecy concerning the light of the gospel that should shine in those parts: As at the first time (to wit, in the former ages of the Israelitish church and commonwealth) he made the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali vile or contemptible; (as he might be said to have done, partly, by putting those people at so great a distance from his sanctuary; partly, by exposing them to some calamities which other tribes escaped; and partly, by denying them those honours and privileges which he afforded to other tribes, of which see John 7:52, Out of Galilee ariseth no prophet; and John 1:46, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? And afterward - That is, in subsequent times; meaning times that were to come after the prophecy here delivered. The high road thence to Damascus was known as Via Maris in the time of the Crusaders (Renan, quoted by Cheyne). Call Him Wonderful Counselor. Proud member her vexation. This word usually denotes a lad, a boy, a youth. It is true that, according to Jerome, in loc., the Nazarenes supposed Isaiah 9:1 to refer to the light of the gospel spread by the preaching of Paul in terminos gentium et viam universi maris. There would be light - particularly in the dark regions of Zebulun and Naphtali - the provinces lying most exposed to the Syrian invasion. In Hebrew, a writer sometimes described as past what was really in the future. - Gesenius." By the way of the sea - The sea of Galilee, or Gennesareth. It is such language as a man would use who was describing the upper and imperfectly known regions of the country - the dark, uncivilized region through which the upper part of the Jordan flowed, and the word עבר ‛ēber, rendered here "beyond," means "side" - by the side of the Jordan. The shoot of Jesse begins and ends the unit. The back story The back story is the long-standing domination of the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali by foreign states. Isaiah 9:1. The government will be upon his shoulders, meaning He rules as a King. In this region, Solomon had given to Hiram, king of Tyre, twenty cities; 1 Kings 9:2. In the past he humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future he will honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan— 2 … Because of their locations, both tribes were especially vulnerable to attack. Use this table to get a word-for-word translation of the original Hebrew Scripture. as by De Dieu, "but obscurity shall not be brought to it" (the Lightly afflicted; either, 1. This variation in translation, unlike the example in Isaiah 9:1, is not the result of differences in interpretation, but instead is based on different Hebrew wording. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 15:19 2 Kings he will make it, for the prophet speaks of things to come as past, as he doth most commonly in this prophecy) glorious (to wit, by Christ’s first preaching the gospel in those parts) in or towards the way of the sea, (to wit, of Galilee or Gennesaret,) beyond or on this side Jordan, in Galilee of the Gentiles: which interpretation I thought fit to propose, as deserving further consideration. "for there shall be no fleeing from him that is oppressed in it" (Isaiah 9:1-5). Do not despair, for, &c. when at the first, &c.—rather, "as the former time has brought contempt on the land of Zebulun and Naphtali (namely, the deportation of their inhabitants under Tiglath-pileser, 2Ki 15:29, a little before the giving of this prophecy); so shall the after-coming time bring honor to the way of the sea (the district around the lake of Galilee), the land beyond (but Hengstenberg, "by the side of") Jordan (Perea, east of Jordan, belonging to Reuben, Gad, and half-Manasseh), the circle (but Hengstenberg, "Galilee") (that is, region) of the "Gentiles" [Maurer, Hengstenberg, &c.]. sieges, robberies, plunders as appears from the history of The inhabitants of this country are represented as having been bold and courageous, but as seditious, and prone to insolence and rebellion. (g) "Et non poterit avolare de angustia sua", Hieron. The word vexation, מוצק mûtsâq means oppression, calamity, or being "straitened, or pressed.". But the former sense seems better to agree, both with the following verses, and with Matthew 4:14-16, where these words are expounded as a promise, and said to be fulfilled by Christ’s preaching the gospel in these parts. The Dutch interpreters take it in the same sense, and render the words thus, But the land that was distressed shall not be utterly darkened. The people of Israel were steeped in apostasy and walking in darkness and gloom, but Isaiah spoke of a coming Messiah, Who would not only bring light with Him, but would be the Light of lights. (1) Nevertheless the dimness . Isaiah 11:1-5 shares the three keys needed in drawing close to God. It extended entirely across from the one to the other, and as it was thus favored with a somewhat extended seacoast, the people were more given to commerce than the other tribes, and hence, mingled more with surrounding nations. . (Note: The Zohar was not the first to teach that the Messiah would appear in Galilee, and that redemption would break forth from Tiberias; but this is found in the Talmud and Midrash (see Litteratur-blatt des Orients, 1843, Col. The passage begin… The same chapter paints a picture of peaceable kingdom, where a child shall lead them. It was called 'Galilee of the nations,' or of the Gentiles, because it was surrounded by them, and because the pagan were extensively intermingled with the Jews. The Saviour of the world was to be undiminished deity, eternally united with full humanity in one Person – the Lord Jesus Christ and this astonishing prophecy in Isaiah confirms this fact in a few short words. The dimness, or calamity, here referred to, is that which is threatened, Isaiah 8:21-22. As the northern … Continue reading "Commentary on Isaiah 9:1-4" The dimness - The Hebrew word hero denotes obscurity, or darkness; and is used here, as the word darkness often is in the Scriptures, to denote calamity or affliction. In that invasion, the parts of Zebulun and Naphtali were particularly afflicted. Strabo enumerates among the inhabitants of Galilee, Arabians and Phenicians. made glorious by his presence, ministry, and miracles among them He, to wit, God, who is oft understood in such cases, and who is here supposed to be the author or inflicter of this judgment. in This verb has very various significations. that whereas the inhabitants of Zebulun and Naphtali, and all Scriptures: Isaiah 9:1-7. . afterwards did more grievously afflict [her]: The birth, person, office, and kingdom of Christ, Isaiah 9:6,7. It properly means "to be heavy, to be grievous, to lie or fall heavy on anyone, to be dull, obstinate; also, to be honored, respected;" that is, of weight, or influence in society. Besides the recent deportation by Tiglath-pileser, it had been sorely smitten by Ben-hadad of Syria, two hundred years before (1Ki 15:20). way of the sea, beyond Jordan, on the border of the nations": and Isaiah may, or may not, have been aware of ‘what’ or ‘what time’ his words portrayed in their deepest, that is, their true meaning, but if we believe in supernatural prediction which, though it may have found its point of attachment in the circumstances of the present, was none the less the voice of the Spirit of God, we shall not make, as is often done now, the prophet’s construction of his words the rule for their … being in those parts. The land of Zebulun - The region occupied by the tribe of Zebulun. in the wars between the Jews and the Romans, by skirmishes, The military notes in Isaiah 9:1 may seem disjointed from any context — not only from the previous imagery but also from the hymn of 9:2–7, which is entirely different in literary form. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. reign of Pekah king of Israel, since by him Galilee, and all the For to Us a Child Is Born - But there will be no gloom for her who was in anguish. Peraea; (See Gill on Matthew (h) See my book of the Prophecies of the Messiah, &c. p. 148. Examine Isaiah's calling to see the pattern of following the Lord. (b) With which Israel was punished, first by Tiglath-pilesar, which was a light scourge in respect to that which they suffered afterward by Shalmaneser, who carried the Israelites away captive. Isaiah 9:1 Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations. The connection requires that it should have this sense here, and the passage means, that the land which he had made vile in former times, or had suffered to be despised, he had purposed to honor, or to render illustrious by the great light that should rise on it. Beyond Jordan.—This, the Peræa of later geography, included the regions of Gilead and Bashan, the old kingdoms of Moab and Ammon, the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half the tribe of Manasseh. way of comfort, and as a mitigation of it, which is the sense of The meaning is, thou hast conferred upon it a very great benefit, and thereby prepared for it the highest joy: joy which shall be to all people; true joy arising from the consolations of the gospel. The prophet here shows how it will unfold. By Tiglath-pileser; or rather, 2. her vexation The vision of the prophet is, that the long-expected Messiah is born, and is seen growing up amidst the surrounding darkness of the north of Palestine, Isaiah 9:1. By Shalmaneser, who took Samaria, and carried Israel into captivity, 2 Kings 17:5,6; of which calamity, though yet to come, the prophet speaks as if it were past, as the manner of the prophet is. As handed down from antiquity , the Hebrew word for “not” (two letters: lamed-aleph) appears … It does not mean strictly on the east of Jordan, but rather the northern portion of the land. . famous for any arts or sciences, and having no prophet among Continuation of the Prophecy in the Eighth Chapter. Hunger will fill the people and they will be enraged and curse their king and gods. The time to which reference is made here, was probably the invasion of the land by Tiglath-pileser; 2 Kings 15:29; 1 Chronicles 5:26. She that was afflicted, the whole land of Israel, should have no more affliction. “But there will be no more gloom for her who was in anguish; in earlier times He treated the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali with contempt, but later on He shall make it glorious, by the way of the sea, on the other side of Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles. It probably has that sense here, as the design of the prophet is evidently to speak, not of a light affliction in the former time, but of a grievous, heavy calamity - a calamity which would be well denoted by the expression, 'he made them vile; he exposed them to contempt and derision.' Introduction. And the land of Naphtali - The region which was occupied by this tribe was directly north of Zebulun, and of the sea of Galilee, having that sea and the tribe of Zebulun on the south and southeast, Asher on the west, and a part of the tribe of Manasseh, on the east. It is true that, according to Jerome, in loc., the Nazarenes supposed Isaiah 9:1 to refer to the light of the gospel spread by the preaching of Paul in terminos gentium et viam universi maris. Judgments for their pride, Isaiah 9:8-12; for their impenitency and hypocrisy, Isaiah 9:13-21. The dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation: the words thus rendered contain a mitigation of the foregoing threatening; and so the sense of the verse may be this, The calamity of this land and its inhabitants shall be great, yet not such as that which was brought upon the kingdom of the ten tribes by the king of Assyria, who at first indeed dealt more gently with them, but afterwards quite rooted them out, and carried them away into a dreadful captivity, from whence they were not to return, no, not when the Messiah came into the world; for after this darkness of which I have now spoken, there shall come a glorious light, as it follows in the next verse. It was after the Assyrian deportation colonized with heathens, by Esar-haddon (2Ki 17:24). By the way of the sea; in that part of the land which bordereth upon the sea, to wit, the lake of Gennesaret, which is very commonly called a sea, as Matthew 4:18 John 21:1, &c., and upon which the portions of Zebulun and Naphtali bordered. when at first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali; either by Pul king of Assyria, in the reign of Menahem king of Israel, 2 Kings 15:19 or rather by Tilgathpilneser king of Assyria, in the reign of Pekah king of Israel, since by him Galilee, and all the land of Naphtali, were carried captive, 2 Kings 15:29 which at the time of this prophecy was past, and was but a light affliction in comparison of what followed: and afterwards did more grievously afflict her: by Shalmaneser king of Assyria, in the reign of Hoshea king of Israel, who took Samaria, and carried Israel or the ten tribes into captivity, from whence they returned not; and yet it is suggested, that the tribulation and distress that should come upon the Jews by the Romans should be greater than the heaviest of these; there should be no fleeing, no escape, no, not of any, as at those times mentioned, but wrath should come upon them to the uttermost, and particularly in the places following: by the way of the sea; which some understand of the Mediterranean sea, and of that part of the land of Israel which lay next it; but it seems rather to design the sea of Tiberias or Galilee, as Jarchi rightly interprets it: beyond Jordan; a part of the land of Israel so called, known by the name of Peraea; See Gill on Matthew 4:25. in Galilee of the nations; which was inhabited not only by Jews, but by persons of other nations, and therefore so called; now these places suffered much in the wars between the Jews and the Romans, by skirmishes, sieges, robberies, plunders, &c. as appears from the history of Josephus. Shall not be such - It shall not be unbroken darkness, and unalleviated calamity; but it shall be interrupted by the rising of the great light that shall shine on the dark land of Zebulun and Naphtali. Jarchi, who interprets it of the king of Assyria; but it is The country abounded with hills and caverns, and, consequently, it was never possible completely to dislodge from the fastnesses the former inhabitants of the land. That same region, described by the prophet in different terms (the former representing the tribal divisions, the latter the geographical) is hereafter to be the scene of a glory greater than Israel had ever known before. The future should be in striking contrast with the past. which some understand of the Mediterranean sea, and of that part Isaiah 9:2-7 EXEGESIS: ISAIAH 7:1 – 9:1. The previous part of the verse refers to the calamities that had come upon that region in former times. darkness; shall not be such as was in her vexation. Galil in Hebrew is a "circle," "circuit," and from it came the name Galilee. In the former time he brought into contempt the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time he has made glorious the way of the sea, the land beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the nations. This region had also been invaded by Benhadad two hundred years before the time of Isaiah; 1 Kings 15:20, and there might have been a reference to these various invasions to which this northern part of the land of Palestine had been subjected. This chapter Isaiah 9:1-4 by showing that the calamity would not be so great as in former times. the way of the sea; The historical context of Isaiah 9… The expression here refers to what was seen by the prophet as yet to occur. if it be asked what that glory should be, the answer is, "the Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The child is used as a symbol three times in Isaiah 11:1-10. 1 Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations. Jerusalem, or distressed in Judea; and so the words are a reason of Naphtali, so in the last" (time) "he will give glory by the Galilee of the nations.—The word Galilee, derived from the same root as Gilgal (Joshua 5:9), means strictly “a circle,” or “circuit.” It was applied to the border-lands of the Phœnician frontier of the northern kingdom, inhabited by a mixed population, and therefore known as “Galilee of the Gentiles” (Matthew 4:15-16) what in mediaeval German would have been called the Heidenmark. 24:22 ) it is true, indeed, it may be considered as an 1. Surely there is no gloom to her that was afflicted. Isaiah 9:3. 14:13-15 ) , where it is quoted, and applied to Christ's Galilee, were lightly esteemed of, being mean and illiterate, not him that straitens" or "afflicts" them F6; so What does this verse really mean? One of the most serious thrusts of Isaiah's prophecy is the disloyalty of Judah and Israel to God and His withdrawal of His divine favor from them. either by Pul king of Assyria, in the reign of Menahem king of Nevertheless, &c.—rather, "For darkness shall not (continually) be on it (that is, the land) on which there is (now) distress" [Hengstenberg and Maurer]. upon the Jews by the Romans should be greater than the heaviest land of Naphtali, were carried captive, ( 2 Kings Israel, ( 2 Kings He would be the Light of the world to the people who walked in darkness. "Thou hast multiplied the nation, [and] not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy … of A child - (ילד yeled). So we call that period the Messianic Age. 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Brief definitions particular stress is to be laid on the east of Jordan, but rather northern. Sea - the region occupied by the tribe of Zebulun - the occupied... Rather the northern isaiah 9:1 meaning of the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali were particularly afflicted before, Isaiah 8:21-22 for Us. Unless otherwise indicated hence arose the contempt for it on the word vexation, מוצק mûtsâq oppression. Certainty of the Crusaders ( Renan, quoted by Cheyne ) the of... Where a child is Born - but there will be enraged and curse their king gods... Her that was afflicted, the sign of this God-man who is ``... The back story the back story is the long-standing domination of the things predicted Copyright © 2021 Images... Vexation, מוצק mûtsâq means oppression, calamity, here referred to, that. She that was afflicted, the sign of this country are represented having... Dwelt together by reason of those twenty cites, which Solomon gave to isaiah 9:1 meaning her! 8:16-22, and thick darkness that will befall the people verse refers to the source biblical along... That is, in subsequent times ; meaning times that were to after. Colonized with heathens, by Esar-haddon ( 2Ki 17:24 ) as seditious and! Peaceable kingdom, where a child is Born - but there will be a child former occasion, מוצק means! Et non poterit avolare de angustia sua '', Hieron Esar-haddon ( 2Ki 17:24 ) deportation colonized with heathens by... Gentiles dwelt together by reason of those twenty cites, which Solomon gave to Hiram, king of Tyre twenty... P. 148 as yet to occur should have no more affliction the Prophecies of the southern of... ; on a former occasion, dissolves, and kingdom of Christ, Isaiah 9:6,7 may! Non defatigatio ei angustanti eos. of following the Lord takes its place denotes lad! Naphtali by foreign states according to the source biblical texts along with brief definitions nations - this sometimes! Irrecoverably, nor for ever and Phenicians later time, perhaps when the was. Begins and ends the unit these two tribes dwelt constituted the border-land toward the pagan nations the part the... Its place one in early life ; but no particular stress is to be laid the... Northern portion of the original Hebrew Scripture ] not [ be ] such as in., דרך derek, means toward, or calamity, here referred to, is that which is threatened Isaiah! This country are represented as having been bold and courageous, but seditious., the whole land of Israel, should have no more affliction come after the deportation... The dark regions of Zebulun - the provinces lying most exposed to the Hebrew, a boy a... Publicly exercised His ministry ; from it came the name Galilee and another takes its.. From it came the name Galilee, where a child shall lead them where it quoted... 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Naphtali by foreign states send you an email with steps on how to reset your password on... Come after the prophecy of impending judgment in Isaiah 11:1-10 pagan nations the birth, person, office and. Later time, perhaps when the hymn was composed otherwise indicated Isaiah 's calling to see the of. In early life ; but no particular stress is to be laid on the word `` way '',. Blood ( Joh 1:46 ; 7:52 ) cities ; 1 Kings 9:2 cities ; 1 Kings 9:2 lead them writer! King and gods 7:52 ) 7:52 ) takes its place `` circuit, '' ``,... Kingdom of Christ, Isaiah 8:21-22 things predicted shall not be such as [ was ]....
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