It is heralded when Matariki (the Pleiades) and Puanga (Rigel) appear on the horizon at dawn. While simple in definition, it is rich in meaning and vast in breadth and depth. On their return they built Whare-kura as a depository for the knowledge which Ruatau and ‘Pawa had told one of the family to fetch. (noun) karakia recited over weapons before fighting. translated and edited with commentary by Martha Warren Beckwith. Tama-take-a-rangi; 2. Ko Rangi raua ko Papa, nana enei:— 1. Te Rina has had many years of experience in Polynesian dance, music, and knowledge. Ko te whare maire he whare mākutu e whakaakona ana ngā tāngata ki reira ki te patu i te tangata, i te kai, i te rākau, i te whenua, me te waewae o te tangata, me te mata rākau o te parekura (WW 1913:10). Kaore ana mangumangu, ko tona manawa tonu kei roto tonu i nga karakia^. That house belonged to Nuku-te-aio, father of Rua-i-te-pukenga, 32 who disclosed to Tāne the location of that house. Te Reo Rangatira from the Central Sun, the Divine Spark, has both hidden and sacred meaning. Ko wai te wahine a Io i moe ai ? 8055Bell : 27/05/2013 : When I found this page: Alex McColl. For most of those years, she had been teaching at a University level in Performing Arts. Papa-tua-nuku, na, ka whakatupu nei hoki a Io mona. “Wharekura, the house referred to, belonged to Nuku-te-aio, Te Apu-matangi-nui, Te Apu-matangi-roa, Tu-te-heihei and Tu-te-wanawana. THE KUMULIPO. 7777 : 25/05/2011 : This photo is published: Troops in trench during the Battle of the Somme. I can assure you that Joe and I and our whanau will definitely support your work on a wairua level if we cannot get there physically. Ko Io, ko Te Aio-nuku, Te Aio-rangi, ko Te Aio-papa, ko Te Aio-matua, ko Te Po-nui, ko Te Po-roa, ko Te Po-whawha, ko Hine-ruaki-moe, ko Tahuhu-nui-a-rangi, ko Te Po, ko Te Ao. The p. 82 teacher in this house was Uru-te-ngangana (also Nuku-te-aio and Rua-i-te-pukenga). Together, these three areas will provide you with a broad overview, and hopefully, a better understanding of Māori culture and Māori realities. Meaning ‘to huddle together’ Pipiri marks the first month of the Māori year. The designs were taken from within Wharekura, and the house of Rongomarae-roa and his younger brothers were embellished with such devices, when finished it also was named Wharekura. A Hawaiian Creation Chant. That house was a matarua, that is, having two windows, one on each side of the door. Kaore ana mangumangu, ko tona manawa tonu kei roto tonu i nga karakia]. 100 Māori words every New Zealander should know. Rongo-ma-Tane; 4. [Kaua e patai mai e Bau-te-uia ma, Ha ? what does "nuku te aio" mean? Aitua; 3. Kia ora mai tatau i roto i nga ahuatanga o te wa. 1. Ko Io, ko Te Aio-nuku, Te Aio-rangi, ko Te Aio-papa, ko Te Ao Māori denotes the Māori World. On returning to Te Ao-tu-roa, Mataora continues the art of tattoo in the world of humankind. But the introduction of the process of woodcarving was accredited to Nuku-te-aio and Rua-i-te-pupuke. A fan. Ko nga moko ona, ko nga poniania o te ihu, me nga pihere, me nga ngu, me nga tiwhana; ka mutu mai nga moko i riro mai i a Mataora o Rarohenga mai. Heoi ano ra, na te Maori, kaore ona fomiti hei whakatikatika?te hori noa ai.
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