The diameter of a parabolic reflector should be at least how many wavelengths at the operating frequency? Solution: 233. Fd. This is the Multiples Choice Questions Part 5 of the Series in Microwave Communications as one of the Communications Engineering topic. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Type of diversity where it modulates two different RF carrier frequencies with the same IF intelligence, then transmitting both RF signals to a given destination. Simple CW RADAR can not indicate the range. It uses lower transmitting power. 225. Hills • Bird Clutter – 100s to 10,000s of point targets – Doppler velocity - 0 to 60 knots Flocks of birds can fill 0 to 60 knots of Doppler space. 237. Features of the current X-Band CW Doppler product include: Which type of diode does not ordinarily operate with reverse bias? RADAR RELATED LINKS b) it does not give the target range . Introduction: CW radar or doppler radar does not measure range or distance of the target. doppler shift is directly related to the _____ of the blood cells. FMCW radar stands for Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar. The CW radar is usually limited in its transmitted power by interference between the transmitter and receiver, which should operate simultaneously. 224. f d f d 2v = ----- v: speed c f= f d 2 v -----R R = 213. Type of diversity which consists of a standard frequency diversity path where the two transmitter/receiver pair at one end of the path are separated from each other and connected to different antennas that are vertically separated as in space diversity, 232. 3.4(2nd) Block diagram of CW Doppler Radar with non zero IF receiver, sometimes called sideband super heterodyne. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. As an example, the Doppler shift in an X-band (10 GHz) CW radar will be about 30 Hz for every 1 mph combined speed in the line-of-sight. Big issue for very small targets. is an engineering education website maintained and designed toward helping engineering students achieved their ultimate goal to become a full-pledged engineers very soon. 228. Advantages: The advantages of CW Doppler radar is as follows: i) CW Doppler radar is capable of giving accurate measurements of relative velocities. Individual objects can be detected using the Doppler effect, which causes the received signal to have a different frequency than the transmission, allowing it to be detected by filtering out the transmitted frequency. There is possibility of ambiguous results when number of targets are more. A solution to the “blind speed” problem is to, 219. a) a nonconductor with magnetic properties, b) an intermetallic compound with particularly good conductivity, c) an insulator which heavily attenuates magnetic fields, d) a microwave semiconductor invented by Faraday, 205. The maximum range of CW Doppler radar is limited by the power that radar can radiate. Radar Systems - Tracking Radar - The Radar, which is used to track the path of one or more targets is known as Tracking Radar. Which is not true about the following: Flat-topped rectangular pulses must be transmitted in radar to, b) make the returned echoes easier to distinguish from the noise, c) prevent frequency changes in the magnetron. The target range cannot be calculated by CW Doppler radar. Possibilities of Radar measurements ​​through runt… Model-based approaches are also proposed to represent Doppler signatures of walking humans. We manufacture advanced CW Doppler tracking radars for behavioral and real-time TSPI data collection on non-cooperative targets. The biggest disadvantage of CW Doppler radar is that a. it does not give the target velocity c. a transponder is required at the target. An arrangement that avoids a service interruption during periods of deep fades or equipment failures. CW RADAR : This system uses modulated or unmodulated continuous signals for transmission. The gain is about, 226. Indicate which is not true. 243. It is also called Continuous Wave Frequency Modulated Radar or CWFM Radar. Ground . In this situation, the CW radar system gets confused. Figure 1: Ranging with an FMCW system . The most frequent radar architectures used in heart rate estimation sensors are continuous-wave (CW) Doppler radars [6 – 24], frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW) radars [3, 25], and impulse radio ultra-wideband (IR UWB) radars [26 – 30]. RADAR takes more time to lock on an object. What is the biggest disadvantage of PW doppler over CW? Rain. 203. a) it does not give the target velocity . Both continuous-wave (CW) (left) and pulsed (right) signals are used throughout RF/microwave systems, such as communications and radar equipment, with differences in performance and behavior. 216. a. it does not give the target velocity. The biggest disadvantage of CW Doppler radar is that . After a target has been acquired, the best scanning system for tracking is, a) to couple two different antennas to a transmitter without mutual interference, b) to allow the one antenna to be used for reception or transmission without mutual interference, c) to prevent interference between two antennas when they are connected to a receiver, d) to increase the speed of pulses in pulsed radar, 240. Chaff. In general, it performs the following functions before it starts t Disadvantages several targets at a given bearing tend to cause confusion. The IF bandwidth of a radar receiver is inversely proportional to the. In contrast to this CW radar FMCW radar can change its operating frequency during the measurement: that is, the transmission signal is modulated in frequency (or in phase). The biggest disadvatage of cw doppler radar is that give Ask for details ; Follow Report by Poojaaditipooja1969 03.06.2019 Log in to add a comment A pyramidal horn used at 5 GHz has an aperture that is 7 cm by 9 cm. A type of attenuator where attenuation is accomplished by insertion of a thin card of resistive material through a slot in the top of a waveguide, 238. Police often use CW radar to measure the speed of cars. Doppler RADAR or Continuous wave RADAR2. J. L. Geisheimer, E. F. Greneker, and W. S. Marshall, “ A high-resolution Doppler model of human gait,” Proc. The Doppler effect is used in (indicate the false statement). One could say it sends them continuously, hence the … Drawbacks or disadvantages of CW Radar. In this video, i have explained Doppler RADAR or Continuous wave RADAR with following aspects.1. Cloudflare Ray ID: 61697c44984205b3 It measures not only the speed of the target but also the distance of the target from the Radar. • In Preparation for the ECE Board Exam make sure to expose yourself and familiarize in each and every questions compiled here taken from various sources including but not limited to past Board Examination Questions in Electronic System and Technologies, Communications Books, Journals and other Communications References. Fig. 11. A type of diversity where a single RF carrier is propagated with two different electromagnetic polarization. Compared with other types of radar, phased array radar has the following advantages, b) ability to track and scan simultaneously, d) ability to track many targets simultaneously. The circuits are simpler. Given the frequency and dimensions of 5 GHz and 7 cm by 9 cm respectively, the beam of the pyramidal horn is about ______. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. If the target cross section is changing, the best system for accurate tracking in, a) is not good low-level amplifier because of noise, b) has a high repeller voltage to ensure a rapid transmit time, d) needs a long transmit time through the buncher cavity to ensure current modulation. The biggest disadvantage of CW Doppler radar is that does not give the target veloci b. it does not give the target range ty c. a transponder is required at the target d. it does not give the target position 12. Continuous-wave radar (CW radar) is a type of radar system where a known stable frequency continuous wave radio energy is transmitted and then received from any reflecting objects. The function of the quartz delay line in an MTI radar is to, a) help in subtracting a complete scan from the previous scan, b) match the phase of the coho and the stalo, c) match the phase of the coho and the output oscillator, d) delay a sweep so that the next sweep can be subtracted from it. Points in the microwave system baseband signals either originate or terminate. Advantages Uses low transmitting power, low power consumption. 236. The glass tube of a TWT may be coated with aquadag to, 231. The disadvantage of continuous wave Doppler is that it is not possible to determine where, along the Doppler line, the velocities are recorded. Disadvantages of CW Doppler Radar There is a limitation by the power in the maximum range of the CW radar. Chapter 13: Continuous Wave Radar 13 - 4 Dr. Sheng-Chou Lin Radar System Design CW Radar and Doppler Effect CW radar as a speed monitor device •Doppler effect (frequency shift): only indicates for targets moving toward or away from radar, , •General form •f = 10G. At the moment, Pinoybix has become one of the most trusted engineering review sites helping thousands of aspiring engineers achieve their goals. Which of the following devices are not being used in microwave power amplifier? Types of Radar 7. It is the difference between the nominal output power of a transmitter and the minimum input power required by a receiver. This limits their sensitivity and range. 20. How is "doppler shift" represented in equations? aliasing. Figure 2. The doppler frequency shift of echo signal is useful for indication device. Block Diagram of FMCW Radar. What is the doppler equation? Doppler radar products. wind direction & radar velocity Doppler spread moderate Bird Flock. 241. Since there is no timing reference, CW radar systems cannot measure range which is the main disadvantage. A direct path that exist between the transmit and receive antennas, 220. Pulsed radar has several advantages including increased range, lower power consumption, and it does not rely on the Doppler Effect to determine range and movement, although it is used in pulsed radar. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. 218. Type of diversity where the output of the transmitter is fed to two or more antennas that are physically separated by an appreciable wavelengths, 227. CW Doppler Radar. 223. ii) It uses low transmitting power. iii)Low power consumption and equipment whose size is much smaller than that of comparable pulsed equipment. d. it does not give the target position • Circulator is used or separate antennas are used for transmission & reception. Radar Abbreviation RA – Radio D – Detection A – And R – Ranging 4. It is a unidirectional device often made up of ferrite material used in conjunction with a channel-combining network to prevent the output from interfering with the output of another transmitter, 249. The coho in MTI radar operates at the. inoyBIX educates thousands of reviewers and students a day in preparation for their board examinations. Question 68 : The biggest disadvantage of CW doppler radar is that: Option-1 : it does not give the target velocity : Option-2 : it does not give the target range: Option-3 : a transponder is required at the target: Option-4 : it does not give the target position Refers to more than one transmission path or method of transmission available between transmitter and a receiver. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Type of protection switching arrangement where each working radio channel has a dedicated backup or spare channel. Home » Communications » Questions and Answers » Microwave Communications ». 222. The continuous wave Doppler yields a filled spectral curve (Figure 2), which is explained by the fact that all velocities (from zero to maximum) are recorded along the Doppler line. Contents Basics of Radar Classification of Radar Doppler effect CW Radar FMCW radar 3. View Answer: Answer: Option B. Disadvantages of RADAR systems. Example: speed gun. During this period of silence, it can listen for the small returns reflected off targets. 202. A backward-wave oscillator is based on the, 209. This limitation of CW radar is overcome by FMCW radar. FMCW radar (Frequency-Modulated Continuous Wave radar = FMCW radar) is a special type of radar sensor which radiates continuous transmission power like a simple continuous wave radar (CW-Radar). we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, Questions and Answers in Microwave Communications, Series of Multiple Choice Questions in Electronics Systems and Technologies, Pinoybix Elex is officially on Google Play | First of …, Complete List of Reviewers to Pass Engineering Board Exam, MCQ in Machine Design and Shop Practice Part 18 | …, MCQ in Machine Design and Shop Practice Part 17 | …, MCQ in Machine Design and Shop Practice Part 16 | …, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 11 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 11 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 10 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 10 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 9 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 9 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 8 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 8 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 7 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 7 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 6 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 6 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 5 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 5 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 4 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 4 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 3 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 3 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 2 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 2 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 1 – Answers, MCQ in Microwave Communications Part 1 | ECE Board Exam, MCQ in Basic Principles of Microwave Communications, MCQ in Avionics, Aerospace, Navigational and Military Applications. Following is the list of multiple choice questions in this brand new series: P Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Targets. These radars are based on a modular architecture providing flexibility for future upgrades. CW Doppler and FMCW radars mostly outperform IR UWB radars in terms of power consumption and sensitivity [2]. 244. The power that leaks out of the back and sides of the transmit antenna interfering with the signal entering with the signal entering the input of a nearby receive antenna. 250. If a return echo arrives after the allocated pulse interval, a) it will interfere with the operation of the transmitter, d) the target will appear closer than it really is, 242. Urban Buildings. Ground. 210. Maximum power depends on the amount of isolation and the transmitter noise, which affects the receiver sensitivity. Range discrimination can be achieved only by introducing very costly complex circuitry. SPIE 4744, 8– 18 (2002). How is the operating frequency represented in equations? v = 1mile/hour, . A high-resolution model of a walking human was developed to analyze cw radar Doppler signatures. Prof. Dr. Md. Definition Radar is an electromagnetic device and regarded to be a powerful electronic eye. d. it does not give the target position. CONTINUOUS WAVE RADAR 8. d) neither range nor position, but only velocity, 230. The primary purpose of the helix in a traveling-wave tube is to, a) prevent the electron beam from spreading in the long tube, b) reduce the axial velocity of the RF field, 206. Decreasing the volume of a cavity causes its resonant frequency to, 245. What happens when a horn antenna is made longer? Stripline and microstrip transmission lines are usually made with. Every Doppler radar can measure wind speeds. What is actually measured is the fraction of the total speed which is towards the radar. The performance of CW radar is not affected due to stationary targets. Possibilities of Radar measurements through runtime measurements are only technically possible with these changes in the frequency. In order to reduce cross-sectional dimensions, the waveguide to use is. Disadvantages of CW Doppler Radar. 221. If CW Doppler Radar uses the Frequency Modulation, then that Radar is called FMCW Doppler Radar or simply, FMCW Radar. CW radar FM-CW radar can change its operating frequency during the measurement: that is, the transmission signal is modulated in frequency. d) it does not give the target position . The biggest disadvantage of CW Doppler radar is that, c) a transponder is required at the target, 233. In the FMCW radar, transmitter frequency is continuously varied at known rate and reflected frequency signal is received … FMCW radar detects, measures range and radial velocity of the object. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. b. it does not give the target range. 214. Fo. It is a relatively cheaper method for small-scale mapping. The CW in FMCW. A half wavelength, closed section of a waveguide that acts as a parallel resonant circuit is known as _____. Than one transmission path or method of transmission available between transmitter and diversity... Minimum input power required by a receiver, Pinoybix has become one of the Communications engineering topic is! Of silence, it can listen for the small returns reflected off targets model., which affects the receiver sensitivity is inversely proportional to the “ blind speed ” problem is to 219! Pulsed equipment completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the _____ of following! 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