EGU Journal Highlights – Page 1 of 2 European Geosciences Union Journal Highlights 14 March 2005 for immediate release New light on the Global Carbon Cycle Biogeosciences, Vol. Here we investigate to what extent these factors modulate the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from oak plants. We find an antagonistic effect between drought stress and ozone, impacting the emission of different BVOCs, which is indirectly controlled by stomatal opening, allowing plants to control their water budget. Welcome to the blog of the Biogeosciences (BG) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Ocean Science (OS) is a not-for-profit international open-access scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of ocean science: experimental, theoretical, and laboratory. Online ISSN: 2169-8961. We studied wildfire dynamics and tundra–forest transition over 60 years in northwest Siberia near the Arctic Circle. Biogeosciences (BG) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Here, you will find mainly early career scientists bloggers writing about the latest research on all aspects of the interaction … Microwave observations are also increasingly used to observe changes in vegetation structure and function and to study interactions between water and vegetation. Results show earlier snowmelt enhances growing-season soil respiration and reduces annual carbon uptake, while early cold-season soil respiration is linked to the number of snow-free days after the land surface freezes. Biogeosciences (BG) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS) is a not-for-profit interdisciplinary and international journal dedicated to the public discussion and open-access publication of high-quality studies and original research on natural hazards and their consequences. This special issue arises from work conducted by the AMAP Expert Group on short-lived climate forcers for an assessment that will be finalized in 2021. Biogeosciences (BG) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. 03 Dec 2020 EGU journals CP and GMD start a per-paper APC pilot. President: Giuliana Panieri ( Deputy President: Cornelia Rumpel ( The Division on Biogeosciences integrates biological, chemical, and physical sciences dealing with processes and interactions within terrestrial and extraterrestrial realms through the current and earlier … EGU Blogs » GeoLog » Biogeosciences. As of 1 November 2020 the direct settlement of article processing charges (APCs) between the ETH Zurich and Copernicus Publications will be valid for corresponding authors. EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It will include only invited papers. In particular, we show that phytoplankton are able to start growing before the sea ice melts appreciably, much earlier than previously thought. The objective of the journal is to cut across the … high-impact events. Biogeosciences is published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). SOIL, our EGU Soil System Sciences (SSS) division open-access journal ranked 3/126 (98th percentile) in the category Soil Science !!! To help authors know the article processing charges (APCs) levied for their final journal article already from submission, the EGU and Copernicus test a per-paper APC model for manuscripts submitted to CP and GMD from 1 January 2021. and statistics, among others. Imaggeo on Mondays: Trees of time. Biogeochemical-Argo floats are starting to routinely measure ocean chlorophyll, nutrients, oxygen, and pH. An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . Experimental, conceptual, and modelling approaches are welcome. Biogeosciences (BG) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Division on Biogeosciences. Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. These new observations will also substantially improve the quality of biogeochemical models by allowing vigorous validation, improved parameterizations, and formal data assimilation. Division on Biogeosciences. Below are the EGU's open access peer-reviewed journals relevant to the We use atmospheric methane observations from the novel TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI; Sentinel-5p) to estimate methane emissions from South Sudan's wetlands. Remote Sensing and its applications in the Biogeosciences with the COST OPTIMISE Action and MDPI Journal Sensors. To help authors know the article processing charges (APCs) levied for their final journal article already from submission, the EGU and Copernicus test a per-paper APC model for manuscripts submitted to CP and GMD from 1 January 2021. browser does not have JavaScript enabled, or does not ... Division on Biogeosciences President: Lisa Wingate ( Deputy President: Cornelia Rumpel ( The Division on Biogeosciences integrates biological, chemical, and physical sciences dealing with processes and interactions within terrestrial and extraterrestrial realms through the current and earlier geological history of Earth and Solar system in … Global significance of metals (extractable Fe and Al phases) to control organic matter (OM) in recognized. Fostering the establishment of a global ocean observing system, Walter Munk defined the 20th century as the “century of undersampling”, and this is especially true for marine biogeochemical observations. Over 15 years, a small silicate application led to net CDR of 8.5–11.5 t CO, Hannah Gies, Frank Hagedorn, Maarten Lupker, Daniel Montluçon, Negar Haghipour, Tessa Sophia van der Voort, and Timothy Ian Eglinton. The journal metrics were updated and the current numbers are available from the metrics box on the left-hand side. President: Giuliana Panieri ( Deputy President: Cornelia Rumpel ( The Division on Biogeosciences integrates biological, chemical, and physical sciences dealing with processes and interactions within terrestrial and extraterrestrial realms through the current and earlier geological history of Earth and Solar system in … In changing climate, tundra is expected to turn into shrubs and trees, diminishing reindeer pasture and increasing risks of tick-borne diseases. All these variables can be used to study processes, states, and temporal changes in vegetation–water interactions such as in vegetation phenology, canopy structure, biomass, photosynthesis, evapotranspiration, interception, dew formation, vegetation water content, water stress, surface and root-zone soil moisture, and irrigation. This year EGU published more than 3,300 peer-reviewed articles in our 19 Open Access journals. Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. developing and evaluating microwave radiative transfer models for vegetation and water; retrieving land surface variables through radiative transfer model inversion, machine learning, or hybrid approaches; evaluating and constraining land surface, ecosystem, crop, forest, and hydrological models with microwave observations; and. EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. Instant formatting template for Biogeosciences (BG) guidelines. Contact. FAQs. Contact Arianna Peron, Lisa Kaser, Anne Charlott Fitzky, Martin Graus, Heidi Halbwirth, Jürgen Greiner, Georg Wohlfahrt, Boris Rewald, Hans Sandén, and Thomas Karl. Contact Biogeosciences is published by Copernicus GmbH on behalf of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Remote sensing observations in the microwave frequencies have been intensively used to map and investigate water dynamics at the land surface. General Assembly 2021 GA2021; Divisions. The EGU2020 B3.17 session on the role of fire in the Earth system received the most abstracts in the Biogeosciences division this year and was highly attended during the live chat. Both can stress plants. JGR: Biogeosciences publishes original research articles on the biogeosciences of the Earth system in the past, present and future and the extension of this research to planetary studies. The open-access abstracts of the EGU General Assemblies All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. Welcome to the blog of the Biogeosciences (BG) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . This work enunciates the possibility of kerogen oxidation as a major driver of atmospheric CO, Oleg Sizov, Ekaterina Ezhova, Petr Tsymbarovich, Andrey Soromotin, Nikolay Prihod'ko, Tuukka Petäjä, Sergej Zilitinkevich, Markku Kulmala, Jaana Bäck, and Kajar Köster. Peatlands are important ecosystems in the context of biospheric feedback to climate change, due to the large storage of organic C in peatland soils. This study generated synthetic observations representing two potential Biogeochemical-Argo observing system designs and created a data assimilation scheme to combine them with an ocean model. Biogeosciences (BG) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. Mark your calendar for our Biogeosciences Section Events: Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. These articles of particular interest are selected by journal editors. The objective of the journal is to cut across the … The Amazon rainforest covers an area of 5.5 million km² and is well known for being an invaluable global resource for carbon storage. JGR: Biogeosciences publishes original research articles on the biogeosciences of the Earth system in the past, present and future and the extension of this research to planetary studies. The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is a non-profit international union in the fields of Earth, planetary, and space sciences whose vision is to "realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet." Based on satellite data analysis, we found that transition occurs in 40 %–85 % of burned tundra compared to 5 %–15 % in non-disturbed areas. 03 Dec 2020 EGU journals CP and GMD start a per-paper APC pilot. This paper reviews existing tools, and explores the ongoing research that has potential to convert the findings into operational services in near-to-mid term. The abstracts cover several aspects of interactions between fire and the biosphere, atmosphere, and humans across various temporal and spatial scales using modelling, field and laboratory observations, and remote sensing. Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and public discussion of the description, development, and evaluation of numerical models of the Earth system and its components. Biogeosciences (BG) is a not-for-profit international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. To foster a discussion of the reconstruction of ecological baselines and natural range of variability for a … Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under … SOIL is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of high-quality research in the field of soil system sciences. An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union, Co-editors-in-chief: Michael Bahn, Steven Bouillon, Katja Fennel, Anja Rammig & Tina Treude, Sudhanshu Pandey, Sander Houweling, Alba Lorente, Tobias Borsdorff, Maria Tsivlidou, A. Anthony Bloom, Benjamin Poulter, Zhen Zhang, and Ilse Aben. Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . These articles of particular interest are selected by journal editors. Geosciences Instrumentation and Data Systems, Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Petrology & Volcanology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology and Palaeontology, Mary Anning Conferences on Biogeochemical Processes in the Earth System. The proposed system of 1000 floats brought clear benefits to model results, with additional floats giving further benefit. It was established in September 2002 as a merger of the European Geophysical Society (EGS) and the European Union of Geosciences (EUG), and has headquarters in Munich, Germany. The organisation has headquarters in Munich (Germany). highly diverse set of events including concurrent climate extremes but also an array of nonstandard Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . Here, you will find mainly early career scientists bloggers writing about the latest research on all aspects of the interaction between life and the geo‐, hydro‐, and atmosphere. An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . Here, you will find mainly early career scientists bloggers writing about the latest research on all aspects of the interaction between life and the geo‐, hydro‐, and atmosphere. The Thomson Journal Citation Reports for 2009 gave Biogeosciences an Impact Factor of 3.246 and an Article Impact Score of 1.538, with over one meaning a journal article has above average influence. Experimental, conceptual, and modelling approaches are welcome. The European Geosciences Union (EGU) is a non-profit international union in the fields of Earth, planetary, and space sciences whose vision is to "realise a sustainable and just future for humanity and for the planet." Volunteer to be an EGUsphere preprint moderator! Contact Division on Biogeosciences. An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . Our results also show nonnegligible influences of subgrid variability in surface conditions on model-simulated CO, 01 Nov 2020–31 Oct 2021 | Sandy Harrison and Kirsten Thonicke (co-organized) Convener: Frank Veroustraete | Co-Conveners: Manuela Balzarolo , Willem Verstraeten These articles of particular interest are selected by journal editors. Membership is open to individuals who are professionally engaged in or associated with these … This paper examines the question of what causes the rapid spring growth of microscopic marine algae (phytoplankton) in the ice-covered ocean surrounding Antarctica. Biogeosciences. Compound events encompass a Journal of theoretical biology; Facts, views & vision in ObGyn; Issue brief ; Christian nurse; Kinderarztliche Praxis; The Journal of oncology management; Journal of pharmacy practice; Canadian journal of applied physiology; Neurochirurgia An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . Lyla L. Taylor, Charles T. Driscoll, Peter M. Groffman, Greg H. Rau, Joel D. Blum, and David J. Beerling, Enhanced rock weathering (ERW) is a carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategy involving soil amendments with silicate rock dust. Specifically, we welcome contributions that are already exploring the use of existing global datasets to advance soil model parameterization, including those embedded in weather forecast or climate models. Some features of will not appear or function properly if your One prominent hypothesis proposes that the melting of sea ice is the primary cause, while our results suggest that this is only part of the explanation. Fire is an essential feature of terrestrial ecosystems and plays an important role in the Earth system. Yonghong Yi, John S. Kimball, Jennifer D. Watts, Susan M. Natali, Donatella Zona, Junjie Liu, Masahito Ueyama, Hideki Kobayashi, Walter Oechel, and Charles E. Miller, We developed a 1 km satellite-data-driven permafrost carbon model to evaluate soil respiration sensitivity to recent snow cover changes in Alaska. EGU is seeking scientists who want to gain experience in the realm of scientific publishing to pre-screen manuscripts submitted to the Union's new online platform. |. Consequently, research on compound events requires expertise kerogen cycle, Fire and vegetation dynamics in northwest Siberia during the last 60 years based on high-resolution remote sensing, Increased carbon capture by a silicate-treated forested watershed affected by acid deposition. Article level metrics. Call for nominations for the 2021 Division Awards The deadline to nominate the best deserving soil researchers for the Philippe Duchaufour Medal and the Division Outstanding Early Career Scientists Award for 2021 has been extended to 30 June … Its Co-Editors-in-Chief are Emmanuel Boss, Jürgen Kesselmeier, S.W.A. Drought events are expected to become more frequent with climate change. Emerging concepts suggest that the soil carbon pool is predominantly comprised of stabilized microbial residues. The scope of the journal includes all topics that fall within the study of soil science as a discipline, with an emphasis on studies that integrate soil science with other sciences (hydrology, agronomy, socio-economics, health sciences, atmospheric sciences, etc.). Instant formatting template for Biogeosciences (BG) guidelines. Along with these events atmospheric ozone is also expected to increase. Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . This session aims to bring together scientists from the climate- and soil-biogeosciences communities and to identify key shortcomings in current land surface models. (, All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the, Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Using satellite data to identify the methane emission controls of South Sudan's wetlands, Combined effects of ozone and drought stress on the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds from, Assimilating synthetic Biogeochemical-Argo and ocean colour observations into a global ocean model to inform observing system design, Ideas and perspectives: Ushering Indian Ocean into the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (UNDOSSD) through Marine Ecosystem Research and Operational Services – An early-career's take, Ideas and perspectives: Emerging contours of a dynamic exogenous from a variety of disciplines such as climate science, hydrology, impact modelling, engineering, The European COST Action DAMOCLES We are thrilled to welcome Colleen Hansel as the Biogeosciences Section President-elect, and Sean Schaeffer as our new section secretary. The increased availability of these observations allows us to unravel biogeochemical processes and to develop and validate hypotheses across a range of spatial and temporal scales. But it’s not just the trees and vegetation of the Amazonian rainforest that lock in and store carbon – the very soil in these forests can do the same thing, according to research published in EGU’s journal SOIL earlier this year. The journal's current record in this field includes 657 papers cited 3,400 times from its founding in 2004 to August 31, 2010. Welcome to the blog of the Biogeosciences (BG) Division of the European Geosciences Union (EGU). Biogeosciences (BG) is an international scientific journal dedicated to the publication and discussion of research articles, short communications, and review papers on all aspects of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. For example, fires can shape vegetation composition and structure; adjust land carbon, nutrient, water, and energy cycles; change atmospheric composition, chemistry, and physics; and affect air quality and human health. To test this hypothesis we isolated microbial membrane lipids from two Swiss soil profiles and measured their radiocarbon age. More highlight articles Biogeosciences Division. Our emission estimates are an order of magnitude larger than the estimate of process-based wetland models. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter and stay up to date with the latest EGU news. Download formatted paper in docx and LaTeX formats. The deadline for vEGU21 abstract submission is coming closer – here is the second blogpost where we highlight a few sessions across the five BG themes, today from the General Biogeosciences sessions pool and with a focus on deep time and the recent past. The objective of the journal is to cut across the boundaries of established sciences and achieve an interdisciplinary view of these interactions. Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under … The Indian Ocean-rim hosts many of the underdeveloped and emerging economies that depend on the ocean resources for the livelihood of the millions. Header image: Giant Sequoia Trees (Credit: Ioannis Daglis, distributed via Millennial-age glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in forested mineral soils: Southern Ocean Biogeochemical Argo detect under-ice phytoplankton growth before sea ice retreat, Investigating the sensitivity of soil heterotrophic respiration to recent snow cover changes in Alaska using a satellite-based permafrost carbon model, Arctic climate, air quality, and health impacts from short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs): contributions from the AMAP Expert Group, Microwave remote sensing for improved understanding of vegetation–water interactions, The role of fire in the Earth system: understanding interactions with the land, atmosphere, and society, Biogeochemistry in the BGC-Argo era: from process studies to ecosystem forecasts, Understanding compound weather and climate events and related impacts, Institutional agreement with ETH Zurich now for corresponding authors. This page features highlight articles from EGU's open access journals Biogeosciences, Geoscientific Model Development and SOIL. Preparing for the 2020 Virtual Fall Meeting. However, this transition may require a disturbance. Nitrogen deposition and increased nutrient availability in soils following climate warming may cause changes in these ecosystems affecting greenhouse gas exchange. The special issue will bring together new advances in understanding the feedbacks and interactions between fire and other components of the Earth system at all temporal and spatial scales using various methods, including (1) impacts of fire on weather, climate, and atmospheric chemistry; (2) interactions between fire, the biogeochemical cycle, vegetation composition and structure, and land water and energy budgets; (3) influence of humans on fire and vice versa; (4) fire characteristics (e.g., fire duration, emission factor, emission height, smoke transport); (5) spatial and temporal changes of fires in the past, present, and future; (6) fire products and models, their validation, and error/bias assessment; and (7) analytical tools designed to enhance situational awareness among fire practitioners and early warning systems, addressing specific needs of operational fire behaviour modelling. The organisation has headquarters in Munich (Germany). Download formatted paper in docx and LaTeX formats. support it. XML harvesting & OAI-PMH. The open-access abstracts of the EGU General Assemblies All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License . EGU, the European Geosciences Union, is Europe’s premier geosciences union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the Earth, planetary, and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. Biogeosciences An interactive open-access journal of the European Geosciences Union All site content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under … These articles of particular interest are selected by journal editors. Fires are regulated by climate, vegetation characteristics, and human activity and also feedback to them in multiple ways. Fires in Siberia are increasingly widespread. Contact drivers and/or hazards that lead to potentially large impacts. 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