It may not display this or other websites correctly. (Read Acts 17:11) /QUOTEbyCHARLES SPURGEON[1834-1892]:DISCERNMENTisNOTknowing the difference betweenRIGHTandWRONG. Feb 16. Justin Peters & Costi Hinn discuss these Issues as well as Costi Hinn also ANSWERS some of the CRITICISMS he has received since he LEFT the Prosperity Gospel and his Uncle Benny Hinns ministry. Feel free to click the Share buttons found under every article. this is how god expects us after he brings us into his kingdom of light out of the kingdom of darkness. though we cannot completely live our lives without breaking his law, (that is why we need our savior to save us and continually advocate for us) god promised that jesus blood will wipe away our judgment if we confess (admit) our transgression and endeavor with his help not to live in sin. Thank you. Theres justenoughTRUTHin whatFALSE TEACHERSsay tocome acrossas being Credible & Biblical. Pastor Richard Ellis launched Reunion Church on October 5, 1997 in a small office in the Uptown area of Dallas, Texas. Here at SonRise we exist to live our lives so others meet Jesus by helping people CONNECT with Jesus, GROW to be more like Jesus and SHARE our hope in Jesus with others. Dona is originally from Myerstown, Pennsylvania and started working at SonRise in May of 2015. Church History Pastor Walter E. Ellis First Lady Sadie Ellis. I love God with all my heart, and I want to please him. No believer will be left in outer darkness. Video: Judging verses Discerning Is there a Difference? Eventually I crashed and burned. This program will show why you should be very concerned if you have a friend or family member in this movement. What a surprise to click on my spam box (where i seldom go) and find you in it. Professor Emeritus of Latin American Literature at U of T, he specializes in poetry and short stories and is a leading authority on the poetry of the Caribbean writer, Nicols Guilln. Dr. Keith and Pastor Cheryl Ellis are the Senior Pastors and Founders of Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe, Georgia. Love is Not merely giving people what they want, Love Warns too of Danger. Thank you for your helpful website. Pastors wife a child molester in their school. Thank you for taking time to write. General Manager of Open Hand Thrift Store. Can you please expain these verses in terms of Grace. Ive written briefly about my grace journey here. What are your thoughts about the teachings of Joseph Prince? Join in and write your own page! A different Jesus constitutes a different gospel. Born in Greenville, SC, he is survived by his fiance, Shelia Pugh of Nashville, his . Like the prayer in Matthew that says we ask God to forgive our sins when we pray. Hey Paul, I just want to say how much I enjoyed this blog. Regards from our family to yours. I love your blog because it is so encouraging and uplifting. They have three children, Justin, Heather, Eli and his wife Kim, and three grandchildren. Ellis scored a career-high 35 points in an 87-81 loss.. the theif didnt get baptized, nor did restitution. Do you believe with your vast knowledge of the Bible that we dont have to follow the teachings of Jesus and ask forgiveness of our sins? She is a professional photographer and is most passionate about capturing the events at SonRise. Our hope is that they & all of us, will closely Examine these False Teachings with the Gods Word (Acts 17:11), and Escape from these Many Deceptions (Rom 16:17-18, 2 Tim 4:1-4). Thank you so much, Can you please shed some light on this? We encourage you to find out if the particular Preachers Prophecy ever came true. Forced to rest, I learned something about grace and began writing a blog called Escape to Reality (E2R). 19 Mar 1996 (aged 60) Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas, USA. If you would like to support mywork, read this. There are Believers who are unknowingly being Led Astray & Deceived in their involvement with these False Teachers Ministries (Gal 1:6-10, 2 John 1:10-11). I do but theres not much on it. RIP Keith Anthony Ellis 1958-2015[/QUOTE Back in 1991 Keith Ellis was in my corner at the Australian titles in Adelaide SA. I think it is SO unfair. Yes, preach the undiluted gospel of grace and pray that they will come to believe/see it. There is so much more I want to share with you, especially about the journey we have been on since our younger daughter chose the gay lifestyle over 10 years ago, but I cannot do it in 250 words. Hi Paul SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES, BE DISCERNING, BE DILIGENT, and COMPARE EXACTLY what you are Hearing from these False Teachers, along with their False Prophecies (that are Mixed with 80%Truth in their Sermons), and Compare it with Gods Word. E2R went live on 5 February, 2010. He is also the Senior Pastor of Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe, Georgia and Founder of "Samuel School", a school of Prophetic Training, along with his wife Cheryl." But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, .. Some of her favorite hobbies include baking and cooking. Teaching Gods Word, Strategic Planning, Team Building, Leadership Development and Project Management are at the top of his list. @KeithBattle. You can find them in the Archives > Subject Index. Hi Paul In this above video SO4J-TV ( & Justin Peters ( talk about FALSE VISITS TO HEAVEN & HELL 10 DANGERS OF EXTRA-BIBLICAL REVELATIONS, i.e. PLAN OF SALVATION HOW CAN I BE SAVED FROM HELL? You can imagine the surprise when on Friday23/11 Amazon emailed recommendation for The Gospel In Ten Words. I have written more posts on this scripture than any other. As Believers we have an understandable desire to warn the lost of their Eternal Punishment in Hell if they do not Repent-&-Trust in Jesus (Mark 1:15). Thank God that things are changing: the light is dawning on our hearts, one by one, more and more. Asked By Wiki User. Your answer is the only one that makes sense given what Jesus accomplished at Calvary. He founded and is Pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center in 1979. God bless you! what we have with god is covenant which requires all parties involved to fulfill their obligation expressed in that covenant. We are still working on more content as we slowly add to this list..focusing more right now on some of the more well-known ones.. I think the emphasis on turning from sin is misguided. Do you have any blog post on this? About the Author Dr. Keith Ellis is a Prophet, Seer, Evangelist, and Author. See the How to Share E2R page for more info. Trials are not meant to be enjoyed, but we as Believers may count them as Joy as they serve to conform us into the Image of Christ. Dr. Ellis is actively involved in clinical trials through the Houston Methodist Research Institute and is the principal investigator of on-going clinical trials at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital. MANY lean only on Gods Love & Not being like Jesus and Warning people about Hell, Judgment,etc (John 16:8). Pastor Keith Marshal of the Hope Lutheran Church in Enumclaw, Washington - population 11,879 - wrote a short column for the Enumclaw Courier Herald that he thought would "go around my small . Pastoral Leadership Dr. Dock Hollingsworth Senior Pastor 404.591.4344 Rev. Maranatha! After many years of being a born-again believer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All rights and glory belong exclusively to the LORD Jesus Christ, both now and for eternity. Keith Butler was ordained as a minister of the gospel in 1974. They are all teaching the mixture of law and grace. Funeral Service for the late Brenda Bernadette Symonette Martin-Grant age 68 years a resident of Treasure Cove will be held on Saturday, March 04, 2023, 11:00 a.m. at The Remnant Tabernacle of Praise, Carmichael and Golden Isles Roads. Dr. Keith Ellis is a Prophet, Seer, Evangelist, and Author. By John Paul Brammer. This LAST SHOW in this series ends with the true Gospel of Jesus Christ as shared from Costi Hinn. Thank you for your blog. If you want to learn how to walk in the freedom of God grace, I encourage you to become an email subscriber (its free). Suggested we were more focused on Jesus presents instead of His presence. He is most passionate about helping to usher people into the presence of God during Praise & Worship & equipping His followers to share their faith in His Son Jesus. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Endorsed by SO4J-TVs Pastors: John MacArthur, Phil Johnson.and also Mike Gendron, and many more, and Filmed at: Grace Community Church, CA in the Family Center. Adding something unto the grace means that Jesus did not accomplish His work on the Cross, thus It would make his statement It is Finished false. The Info on this False Teachers page is not intended to be a Personal Attack on any one Person, or their Ministries. Your sermons are always thoughtful and well-delivered, and the care that you show to the different ministries, such as seniors and youth, really lets every member of the congregation feel that they are special to you.Our family would like to say happy anniversary to you and your family. The quality was good and it tasted great, but it left one wanting something a bit more satisfying. You can find verses in the Bible suggesting that the heart is the part of us that thinks, feels and understands. Church? Thanks for givings saints with what they are looking for too: grace! We are a community-based church focused on helping make the world around us a better place. ) LARRY HUCH (WOF) BILL HYBELS CINDY JACOBS (NAR) MIKE JACOBS (NAR) T.D. Ethan is from Poquoson, Virginia and started working at SonRise in April of 2019. Forced to rest, I learned something about grace and began writing a blog called Escape to Reality (E2R). His power is released when we speak Truth/Him. In your opinion, what is the difference between the Old Covenant prophets and the New Covenant prophet? Here's proof it works! grace and peace be upon you, well said Paul. In 2012, he was appointed by Presiding Bishop Charles Blake and the General Board to serve as the Chairman of the Board and CEO for the Church of God In Christ Publishing House and Bookstore. A passionate preacher and teacher of the gospel, He currently serves as the pastor of the 1,500-member Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church located in Spartanburg, SC. Pastor Keith Ellis See our full Pastor's Resource Library Browse > Pastor Keith Ellis by The Joyner (Fort Davis) I just wanted to let you know how much my family appreciate everything that you do for the church every day. Very diappointed with my life. Don't miss this series as Dr. Keith continues his teaching on the "Tipping Point Into Favor". Why not ask the thief on the cross? ) JOHN HINKLEBENNY HINN(WOF) DAVID HOGAN BRIAN HOUSTON (Embraces WOF & sadly promotes False Teachers such as: Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer, TD Jakes, etc. Ill just not chop man into separate bits. I believe the truth I am finding there will put me back on track with my relationship with the Lord. So it wasn't even. She started working at SonRise in January 2021. Nice to read something that makes sense and isnt religious. In Him, Dear Paul, what a blessing youre site is, I can only see the work of the Holy Spirit here and I gobble up every morsel and then. We want to state too that we are so Thankful for the Lord Jesus extending His Mercy towards us, of which we want to extend that same Attitude of Mercy towards these Preachers who mightunknowinglybe doing these wrong Practices. Souls are truly at stake. This TV Show is SHOW 5 OF 7 shows in a series called: Truth & Transformation. You outline the points you are trying to make so well. Dr. Ellis is the Director of Cardiovascular Services and the Director of the Chest Pain Center at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, and has been the Director of Nuclear Cardiology for Diagnostic Cardiology of Houston since 2009.A recognized member of the American College of Cardiology Peripheral Vascular Disease Committee, Dr. Ellis has published a number of scientific manuscripts and . Out today The Grace Bible: 13 John & Jude, Patriarchy is not Gods Plan for Your Marriage. Hey Paul, glad to hear you are still alive and kicking. My heart exploded and I very concerned. Greetings. I am looking at things from Gods perspective. Nashville trumpeter, Danny Keith Ellis, age 52 received his eternal reward on Thursday, September 9, 2010. Finally yet importantly, he is a born again . Keith Battle. The stuff I have recorded in the past is really poor sound quality so we will do new stuff. She is most passionate about loving others the way that Jesus does. Rev. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. Pastor Tucker Ellis Pastor. We have four amazingkids. Heather is from East Hartford, Connecticut. Regards He was an avid athlete in high school with basketball and football. Praising our wonderful Lord! Christology is not a secondary issue. All purchase options for my books can be found here. We must not allow our desire for Excitement & Wonder determine what is True. Our Concern too is that the LUKEWARM MESSAGES of many of these Ministers, and/or many of their LAVISH LIFESTYLES (that are CONTRARY TO GODS WORD), are leading peopleAWAYfrom the NARROW PATH, and encouraging them to stay on the BROAD PATH that Leads to DESTRUCTION Matt 7:13-28. Pastor Martin Eli Ellis and his wife Kim Ellis are dedicated to, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ to their community, Dr. Keith and Pastor Cheryl Ellis are the founders of. HELP. Now Im close to God again and more mature (less dependent on what others might say) and I am convinced (because of the Bible and my own experiences) that its all about Jesus and what HE has done for us (it is accomplished)! Still need to add teaching material. Pure water mixed with even a little Poison will kill you (Gal 5:9). Keith Ellis (and Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe, Georgia. Dear Paul, God led me to your blog site as I asked Him the question, What event was Paul referring to when he said: For some of the Jews killed the prophets, and some even killed the Lord Jesus. The meth addiction is completely gone, however the sexual seems to rear its ugly head and I have fallen back into that same trap. Read the first chapter and it blew my mind. I believe baptism is important and we have to be baptized as public declaration of our faith in Christ. Your email address will not be published. WHY IS THE WORD OF FAITH PROSPERITY GOSPEL SO UNBIBLICAL? Do I think we need to repent? Video: Is Your Pastor a Bible Teacher or a Philosopher? Feel free to share the longer version of your story on a special page called Grace Stories. Thank you so much and nay Gods blessings lift you and reveal to you just how perfect you are in God through Jesus. Tq. I dont need the answer to the other question, because I did read on your blog that you hold to the change of mind definition of repent. Revelatory Secrets that Will Transform Your Life Keith Ellis is a Prophet, Seer, Evangelist, and Author. Perhaps give our new souls Out of the Jungle free like Jesus without asking for conditions. Good to meet you! She started working part time in January of 2017 in preparation for opening Open Hand Thrift on April 1st 2017. Brenda Williamson. There are no words to describe the freedom and love I now know in reality. After we accept Jesus we live under Grace. By. Good to meet another West Aussie who loves grace, Joan. Living in Iowa in USA. Dr. Keith and Pastor Cheryl Ellis are the Senior Pastors and Founders of Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe, Georgia. John Uldrick Associate Pastor 404.591.4366 Bill Gabbard Minister of Music Just out of curiosity, which book did you download? I think not. Greater Grace Temple of the Apostolic Faith Garden. Camilla is my first, best and last wife. Pastor's Name: Keith Ellis Phone: 708-636-8632 Address: 5040 W 87th St Burbank Illinois 60459 United States KJV Position: Use KJV Bibles Used: KJV Worship Style: Traditional Service Language(s): English Spanish Church Ministries: Bus School Bible Colleges: Hyles-Anderson College besides he recently was a guest on Sid Roth 's tv show. During his undergraduate studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Ellis participated in a study at the Autism Research Center focused on measuring peer relationships amongst children with Autism and other pervasive developmental disorders . KEITH. We love Him with all our heart but worship Him in spirit. I just wanted to say that Ive been visiting your blog for a couple months now and I want to thank you for the work you have done here. This is probably one of those times where it does more harm than good to chop a man into separate bits. Our Founders Dr. Keith and Pastor Cheryl Ellis are the founders of Charismatic Christian Center in Monroe, Ga. He is also a Senior Pastor and Founder of "Samuel School", a school of Prophetic Training, along with his wife Cheryl. (RNS) Bishop J. Delano Ellis II, a Black church official who started Pentecostal organizations and emphasized ecumenism, died over the weekend. Sept. 1, 2018. Admit I am mulling over my understanding of unconditional forgiveness particularly forgiving myself. If you need information or assistance, we'd be happy to help.