And what does it all mean? Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon love. When crossed, you can be cruel and biting. This is especially true in their personal relationships. They see all and they know all. She has an ability to visualize things she wishes to create and then make those dreams a reality. They have psychic abilities beyond what meets the eye, and their intuition is razor-sharp. The more his lady will want to join him, the better. Try detaching yourself a little from your activities and developing a more objective outlook. Their problems seem more difficult to them rather than other people and because of this, they can at times, be cutting with others who they perceive cant reach the same level of empathy they are capable of bestowing. They seem honest on the outside but this is not always the case in reality. Both these planets imply identical, yet at the same time, different mental work that governs the life of every human being. You are a sensitive and intelligent fish, with enough capacity to overcome difficulties. With her strong opinion and progressive mind, the sky is the limit for her who loves to practice her ideas. Sometimes they use people, but their intention is never to cause any harm to their friends. Sun Pisces individuals are capable of turning events into magical moments with their compassion and creativity. The Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon woman can have problems when going after what she wants from life. This can come naturally or be the result of a good education. Face Shape: oblong, diamond, or round. Philosophic mind; generous heart; far-ranging imagination; exuberant; adventurer; religious bent; ironic sense of humor; restless; seeker of truth; sensitive; affectionate; friendly; resilient; strong social awareness. Dating a pisces moon man - Want to meet eligible single woman who share your zest for life? On the other hand, he is full of dreams and idealistic thoughts. They also tend to be quite romantic, idealistic, and philosophical. When it comes to friends, she likes people who are like her: hopeful and prepared to take on any challenge. You tend to delay things by passing up opportunities. Your instinct for freedom gives you an open mind. Your mind is always active, taking things in and forming impressions of everything no matter how still or modest you may seem. Sun Pisces are the happiest when they are with a person who shares their emotional side and their interest for adventure. Many people who have no planets in the 12th house try to interpret its meaning by focus. These are positive outlets for you to express your sensitivity without falling into hypersensitivity or susceptibility. You love the good lifefine food and drink especially, beautiful clothes, and travel. This is the type of woman who will have two jobs and come up with inventive ideas. You live life to the fullest, hoping to find someone who shares your worldly tastes. An artist or a scientist? The 12th house is probably the most misunderstood house in astrology. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. Likewise, a Scorpio woman is softened by the kindness and gentleness of a Pisces . Your personality shines in front of others without you trying. She has a magnetic personality, but can be eccentric and her mood sometimes fluctuates wildly. She loves to be in motion and in the midst of action, romance and love. Scorpios intensity creates a lot of desire, and they tackle their chores with carnivorous purpose. Did I say Kindness? Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Your idealism reaches unthinking, almost fanatical ends, always dedicated to defending the values of Humanity. All you can do is look for warmth in their eyes and watch their behaviorand theres apt to be lots of behavior to watch! The Sagittarius is curious about the otherworld and the Pisces wants to express everything related to it. Her honesty can sometimes be hurtful because she speaks nothing but the truth. Charismatic, strong-minded, and apparently your own boss, you are, however, heavily influenced by your environment. The highlight of your personality is the ability to see beyond things. They have a natural gift for understanding people, and the way in which they process information. A spiritual community that encourages you to trust your intuition and to rely on your faith to move confidently through life. Not to mention Capricorn in moon and Venus. This is part of your insecurity. You will learn from those who can teach you method and organization. You have an active fantasy life and a pronounced romantic outlook. They have an easy going temperament as well as a huge imagination. Sagittarius imparts enthusiasm and conviction in what he believes in while Pisces symbolizes compassion and sympathy for everyone. They may be interested in Often you also seem to be not of this world, a sort of mischievous but benevolent angel whose imagination traverses the universe on a very large canvas, and using only grand symbols. Pisces-Sagittarians are sometimes too blunt in their behavior and expression that may result in aggravating the issues to the next level and causing harm. Putting their cards on the table just doesnt come naturally to them. Taurus is loyal and will stick by you through life's extremes. They always stand with their friends through every thick and thin and are open to doing everything they can do for their comfort. Two dynamic water signs come head-to-head in the Pisces sun, Scorpio moon zodiac placements. In fact, she probably was. You are a tolerant being, capable of understanding everyone. Being a cheerful and playful individual, full of positivity, pessimism in your surroundings does not harm you. Will power and the intensity of intuitive perceptions are the key feature of your nature. Sure, their good fortune usually protects them from the most dire consequences, but still they run the risk of letting more rewarding opportunities pass them by. She does not fantasize about accepting flowers or chocolates from her companion; rather, she looks for enjoying new positions and techniques in bed. A powerful fellow Scorpio, quiet and sensitive Cancer, or creative Pisces is your ideal sun sign match. They also tend to be shorter and more top-heavy. Whatever you answer, the truth is that you have an inquiring mind and profound love of beauty the beauty both of ideals and of the world. Among the most famous Pisces Sagittarians worthy of mentioning are Maxim Gorky and Albert Einstein. The Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon man is balanced, fair, and peoples person, who knows to compromise, and is never weak. People with the Moon in Pisces are best known for their psychic abilities and their creative talents that often extend into their careers. You do have a tendency to sensationalize and exaggerate. Do you know what this astrological combination signifies? If theyll be honest with themselves about their hopes and aspirations, and objectively ponder both sides of the issue, theyll always wind up in the winners circle. The thing is, theres nothing practical about them. He is able to see intuitively where his talents can do the most good and will work hard to give those talents expression. They always seem to know what to say in any situation. You possess a strong, fixed and determined personality, though inwardly you are less firm and decisive. The days about February 27 give weak eyesight, especially if born close to sunrise. With Scorpio rising, you feel that your mission in life is to fulfill an investigative objective. They are overly emotional: This placement has a hard time with their emotions because they experience them on such a deep level. The Pisces Moon is characterized as passive, dreamy, sensitive, and highly imaginative. To find out what your Moon Sign & Moon Phase reveal about you, Get a Free Personalized Video Moon Reading here. She is highly sociable, attentive, and loves adventures. If such advice is needed, please consult your doctor or medical/legal professiona Those who claim this do not realize that you are an exceptional being. The influence of the Leo ascendant can cause you to take a very different path from those around you, as your gut instinct is stronger than others' opinions and logical reasoning. They are very intuitive and empathic and can make for a wonderful parent and friend. Cheer up as we usher in the glorious New Age if Aquarius! Scorpio Rising. All rights reserved. Aries will add to your personality enough independence to execute your projects with assertiveness. The moon profoundly affects emotional openness and sensitivity. They desire a long-term commitment the fairytale love they believe exists. Theres an adventurous side to this zodiac sign that loves to explore, learn, discover and experience new things. Sometimes, the sheer intensity of your emotions distorts your perceptive and better judgment. This mix can result in a highly imaginative and intense individual who is able to see beyond the veil of everyday reality. Moralistic intensity; confident; judicial and exacting mind; emotionalfervor; sensual; satirical; sociable; serious; fiercely loyal; vivid imagination; powerful desires; keen instincts; the victory of optimism over despair; entrepreneurialspirit. Once they decide on something or someone, they become hyper-focused on achieving that goal. Your mind wobbles easily between the real and the unreal, between the skeptical and the religious or between attention and negligence. Pisces is the most understanding zodiac sign that makes others feel good in their company. Leo rising helps you to follow through and develop your humanitarian ideals. Moon in Sagittarius Character Description, Pisces Best Match: Who Youre Most Compatible With. These people are optimistic and dislike being confined or restricted. She is indeed loyal and passionate in her relationships, but at times may make a drama out of things. He will leave a relationship as soon as he feels tied down and he wont mind looking for another partner. Someone born in the zodiac sign Leo is considered their perfect match. Your outlandishness is not well understood by those around you. This ascendant is appropriate to carry out bold projects, especially financial ones. With Pluto on the ascendant, your appearance is enigmatic, with a little more spice than sugar and nice. A buddy of mine is a Gemini Sun with a Capricorn Moon and a Cancer Rising, The other signs that he usually . Hes never superficial or weak. Pisces with Libra rising is a combination of a charming temperament, an attachment to the artistic, and a dedication to creativity. Even the most ordinary matter can take on cosmic and meaningful implications for some Pisces-Scorpios. This is definitely not the husband material some women expect him to be. You demand a lot of life and get it, so long as you dont let temperament get the best of you. This person is not always easy to understand. A healing relationship for them would be to choose a partner who is transparent and doesnt play games. You cannot pull the wool over their eyes. Pisces Your Ascendant is Sagittarius The Meaning of Sagittarius Rising Your Sagittarius Ascendant (or Rising Sign) reveals the ways in which you present yourself to others, as well as the ways in which you immediately respond to the world around you. While she seems calm, this lady has a restless mind thats always thinking of philosophical concepts. But whatever their occupation, they prefer to be left alone to fulfill their duties at their own vigorous pace, focused and undistracted. Not to mention he avoids confrontation as much as possible. Positivity, empathy, compassion, and optimism are the words to describe the positive characteristics of Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon people. It can be difficult to get to know him because hes always busy. People with this rising sign often have a strong connection to their emotions and they can be very intuitive. This combination is characterized by the spiritual dichotomy of Pisces and the mental plane of Virgo. He or she will have a deep understanding of the belief systems that govern our civilization and see the parallels between religious doctrine and their own beliefs. 10 MINUTES FOR $1.99 (New Customers Only), Pisces Horoscope and Predictions for 2023. They are quick-witted and do not shy from voicing their opinion. The noble combination of Pisces sun and Cancer rising oozes sensitivity. When your Moon is in Aries, you're exactly like that on the inside, even if your Sun sign is a more mild-mannered sign, like Pisces or Virgo. The Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon individual is a romantic through and through, you search for a kindred soulone who shares your idealism and love of freedom. The practical and quick, Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon personalities represent the finest blend of humor and fiery temperament. Sometimes they are perceived as opportunists because they want to utilize every opportunity that life provides them. Life Changing with Your Jupiter or Saturn Return. Pisces Soulmate Compatibility: Whos Their Lifetime Partner? You tend to be secretive and reserved, and shun the spotlight because you cant work there unnoticed. Dealing with the Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Pisces man can be difficult. Their passion can see them achieve all they set out to do in life. They find the purpose of their life in helping others to move ahead. Especially since he has an abstract mind and can come up with unconventional but smart ideas. T-H-E-Vibe is a soft space to commune with Spirit by not only asking deep questions but graciously receiving answers and guidance. Your calm and keen nature makes you avoid all confrontations. Your wit amazes those around you. by Ryan Hart | Updated on June 15, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Very spiritual, they have a religious approach, no matter what they are doing. Therefore, when even a slight crisis arises, the weaknesses of the sign become manifest. She is career-oriented and tends to impress others with her innovative ideas. A Taurus ascendant adds equilibrium to the Pisces sun sign.